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Everything posted by Buckeyes_Suck

  1. Meanwhile at my house in clarence was a balmy 39. Got down to 33 as soon as I got south of broadway on my way out to west falls.
  2. It might be 40/60. On my way back from Tampa and the airport yesterday and today was full of bills fans traveling.
  3. I think its the opposite. It might just be better record keeping but there have been two 7' plus events in the past 20 years, along with numerous crippling events. The only two storms that anyone talks about before the 93 Nor'easter is 85 and 77. I've never heard any stories from parents/grandparents about the time they got 7' in three days or when thousands were stranded on the thruway or downtown.
  4. My theory based on the persistent brain fog I've experienced the last 6 months is that it incrementally decreases your intelligence, allowing china to become the superpower
  5. In my industry the facilities I deal with refused to shut down regardless of how many people had Covid. That is the right approach. At the very beginning of this there was a meeting I attended where the largest producer of dairy products in the area talke about the number of people who died of starvation during the Spanish Flu and that under no circumstance would they be shutting down. Instead production increased and I’ve been busier than ever since the beginning if this. This is long before the vaccine was even thought possible. So no I’m not arguing that vaccines should be pushed to allow people back to work. I’m saying that everyone should get back to work regardless and that people in power should be encouraging that, not firing nurses and other essential employees. I worked nonstop through this even with Covid as did my wife. Everyone needs to get back to work and the fear mongering needs to stop. It’s simply enabling all the lazy ass people out there to do what they do best.
  6. Hop aboard. My wife's a Giants fan. Can believe you guys drafted this guy second overall.
  7. Here's a real time example of what's coming... I design systems for the food and beverage industry. While everything is stainless the equipment to make everything you eat wears out much quicker than you think. I just had to buy a bunch of simple check valves for a project that are 10% higher year over year. That's completely unheard of. Stainless tubing is up almost 50%. Valves 5-10%. Tanks 20% Lead times are double because everyone's short on staff. This will affect all of your food and beverage prices, companies wont absorb this. Its already happening and will accelerate as the lag time of raw material pricing catches up.
  8. You're missing the point...there's no choice being taken by the people on those planes to risk death and die. They are paying for safe travel. I'm vaccinated. I think its great and amazing and a testament to our ability to innovate. However it's wrong to force something upon people for their "own good", especially when its not deadly for 99.8% of the population. How would you feel if we realized that its really overpopulation causing global warming(it is) and it was determined that for the sake of mankind it was necessary to sterilize half the population? Global warming has the potential to kill billions of humans along with thousands of entire species. Would you agree with that being forced on people too? Or how about forcing people to eat healthy and exercise to stop the obesity and diabetes pandemic? It's too slippery a slop and small percentage of the population dying(tech by their choice not to be vaxd) for me to agree with you on the topic. I think that the looming economic catastrophe from everything going on will overshadow the entire pandemic.
  9. That doesn't make my point wrong. At no point are we experiencing "death en masse" in red states relative to blue states as @cny rider claimed. Statistically it doesn't matter what state you're in and the measures taken, the death rate is about the same. I'd bet any amount of money that the death rate has a stronger correlation to obesity/diabetes/insert comorbitity here than vaccination status...
  10. My wife works for the largest healthcare provider in the area (IE hospitals) and they were never near full census. Revenues are grossly down. People didn't get screenings because of the media and politicians fear mongering.
  11. Death en Masse? Complete hyperbole. NY - 2900 deaths/1M Florida (oldest population in country) -2600/1M Texas - 2300/1M Idaho -1700/1M You need to get your news somewhere else than CNN.
  12. Furthermore look at what’s going on with cancer rates and other serious diseases. In 10 years I hope we’re able to look back and learn how horrifically this whole thing has been handled. All for 0.002 of the population. God forbid we have a something of a mortality of 10%…
  13. All of these are examples of force, as it was government policy not civilian behavior that drove the closures. The public officials overstepped and used fear to control the population. If this was truly dangerous and deadly people wouldn’t have needed the govt to step in and protect them. If the govt took all of these steps to fight the obesity pandemic they’d save more lives. Literally.
  14. Fixed I'd be curious to know if it wasn't such a hard sell if the vaccination rates would be higher. If something has to be sold to me, or even worse forced on me, I typically don't buy it.
  15. Based on that they should deny everyone with type 2 diabetes.
  16. My complete wild ass guess is that having more energy in the system (warming) will make extremes at both ends of the spectrum more frequent as volatility is increased, i.e. February 2015 or Antarctica this year.
  17. Any thoughts on what happened with Antartica guys? Or do we think the northern and southern hemispheres are isolated enough to have it not really matter.
  18. That's complete crap. Probably paid for by big sugar to draw attention away from the fact that are the largest cause of obesity and diabetes in this country. Look at how the lobbyied in the 70s to keep Stevia out of the country.
  19. Agree, but I think the bigger impact than health and death is the fear mongering and looming economic disaster we're creating. Look what's happening to inflation, the automotive markets, the housing markets. Its the 2000's but on a global scale. Completely agree with all of this, as long as its not the government mandating. On the first point the I've long been an advocate of this. The problem is that most people have employer paid healthcare so it makes it difficult to charge the individual more.
  20. I don't completely disagree with your points but would argue that police and fire put there lives in far more danger for less compensation. It's a slippery slope to demand that everyone do something for the "greater good", especially when were talking about something with a 99.8% survival rate.
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