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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Agreed. But we sure didn’t think ‘15 was walking in back in late January of 2015 either. That was a very frustrating stretch up to that point too. Yes, a decent stretch is all we want. Doesn’t have to be epic/phenomenal, just decent is fine with me.
  2. Yup, I see. Thank you for the image and explanation. It makes sense. Well let’s hope things can start to turn around for us.
  3. Thanks for the explanation. Let’s hope we can catch a break soon…
  4. Ya that looks good. But it’s almost two weeks out…can we trust that? You’d think something would have to give eventually right? That trough out west can’t stay there permanently…right?
  5. I did realize that was the ensembles, But the weeklies say/painting a different picture, but then it doesn’t seem to materialize? Or maybe I’m just confused. Im in Far northern Maine for the week sledding. So it’s deep winter here at least. 9 degrees currently, and 2-3 inches coming today up here. So at least I’m in a place where it’s winter for the week.
  6. Lol oh ok…so now it’s a mega torch? Wow, weeklies wrong again. Why would we even look at those POS anymore? All we keep hearing is how the weeklies look very good…but it never happens. Weeklies mega fail!
  7. Ya I was thinking the same thing. 4 degrees above normal in January is like 37 degrees here and lower there…how does that equate to 50’s for highs? What are we missing?
  8. Yes sir…only an inch and half but it held up and it was white. We take and enjoy.
  9. Merry Xmas Guys. I hope everyone truly has a wonderful day with their families and friends.
  10. Ya..been there many times before. Fun while you’re throwing em back, but no fun the next day..especially as you get older.
  11. It’s all good boys…it’s Xmas Eve and no howling from Wolfie! Merry Xmas everyone….let’s all appreciate and be thankful for the good that’s right in front of us. Have a great couple days.
  12. Im sure main roads/interstates will be fine pal. Welcome to CT my man.
  13. Bro, I’ve been positive all along. And nobody is wagging any fingers. I was positive two weeks ago about 12/8 when that lil 1.5” came through. I’ve been positive about whatever I would get from this. If it was nothing..so be it. Models were waffling every single run. I wish you got the 1.5” too. I’m not an asshole that wants to brag, I don’t operate that way. But your incessant whining is maddening. It’ll either get better, or it won’t. We have 12 weeks to go..gonna be a long winter for you going forward if that’s all your gonna do. I’m sure You’ll be(your area) fine there…it’ll happen. And yes it’s lame that it takes everything to muster an inch or two. But sometimes it’s all you’re gonna get, and the timing was perfect at least. I lived through the 80’s and early 90’s, this is how it was. Time to Man up.
  14. You’ve been whining for two weeks…serves ya right you got shut out! Enjoy the Brown grass.
  15. It’s called not being so negative, and not whining over every model run. you should try it.
  16. Man these people never quit with their never ending BS. And it’ll be a white Xmas here as well. We Snow! Keeps on snowing here..nice and steady, and adding up.
  17. Snow started back up here. Will grab a measurement in a lil bit. Thinking about 1.5” is a good guess. Looks beautiful…and on Xmas Eve…it’s a nice touch. We take and appreciate.
  18. Lol…agreed about the modeling. But how’s it we keep hearing how modeling has gotten so much better the last 5 years? I mean seriously, the Euro was hardly ever wrong at 48-72 hrs out 5 years ago. Now the Euro can’t get it right 36hrs out? Not impressed at all. And tomorrow is still 24 hrs away…who knows how many flip flops between now and then are still coming? Just Abysmal.
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