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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Hopefully we get mauled on the 6th-7th…
  2. For whatever it’s worth at this juncture...they both looked great. Hope we can keep it looking good over the next week.
  3. Ok thanks a lot. Ya I kind of was figuring that too..but wasn’t completely sure. And thanks to Jerry too.
  4. Thanks Jerry. Ya that makes sense. Happy new year pal!
  5. Will, what’s the difference between the two maps? They both say ensemble mean, and are both valid for the same day, which is Sunday 1/16/22, 360 hrs out. Is one just a 10-15 day mean? And the other a mean for the whole 16 days?
  6. Just got home from there a couple hrs ago. They have about 12-14” on the ground up there currently. It hasn’t been a good December for them either (slow start).
  7. I know you’re joshing around here, but The crazy part of your post is, 4-6 weeks from now is dead center prime winter climo for us all in SNE. Just goes to show how early it really is. Just saying. Lol.
  8. Doesn’t mean it isn’t legit, but the model will lose it imo at some point over the next day or two. But nice to see at the moment.
  9. It wasn’t until 1/27/15 when the blizzard hit..I mean pretty much the whole month of January was over before it got going that year. So ya, your point is very well taken and accurate.
  10. To be honest Phin..you’re way to quick to down some other places weather. It comes off as ignorant. Just a heads up pal. I realize your old home of Delaware or Maryland was boring…but that’s not representative of all the area at all.
  11. Too dam funny Jeff!!! On the sled and eating dinner at the lakeview. 19 degrees and riding is pretty dam decent for December. Have done 225 miles so far. Tomorrow should be another 125 miles as well. We take!
  12. Ya like I said, Phin gets a lil snow blind sometimes with his ideas. Just disregard.
  13. Ya can’t trust any modeling this season..good look or bad look. It’s all over the f’n place.
  14. OP run though…and 9 days out, all the caveats apply if we can even believe it. But I guess it’s better to at least show something decent, then not. Let’s see what the ensembles show?
  15. Ya phineas gets a lil crazy…NYC has had their share of big storms..summer and winter of late.
  16. Ya these folks are insane…it’s always the same with them.
  17. Ya I’m about an hour north of Presque Isle. It’s a different world for sure. But if you like winter…it’s a superb area.
  18. N. Aroostook County…St.Agatha/Frenchville/Fort Kent area. Ya there’s plenty of moose here too. But it’s deep winter. And it’s all good.
  19. Good points. Or go somewhere where there is winter, and enjoy it. I’m here in N. Maine and we got 6” yesterday. It’s beautiful deep winter here. Definitely fills the gap when there is none/nothing going on at home.
  20. I mean why don’t we just say late Feb for anything sustained lmao. When you start writing off 3 weeks at a clip…you sound silly. Long range modeling is so bad of late, how can you even say it’ll be another month before we have a shot? It may never improve(that certainly is a possibility), but to say it won’t be until the end of January(when January isn’t even here yet), is just throwing darts in the dark. If we’re writing off time going forward, maybe we should only do it a week or so at a time, instead of a month.
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