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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Funny. But This isn’t that…we are talking 2-3 days here. And now we’re down to one day…let’s see what happens in an hour?
  2. Is the better high pressure to the north in Maine on the GFS a legit possibility? Cuz if so that could mean a big difference obviously.
  3. Ya I agree John. I don’t think the NAM wins the day here though. Certainly I could be completely wrong…but I’m not thinking so. If nothing else, it’s model theater at its best at the moment.
  4. And if it does…are folks still gonna say the GFS went towards it? And if it doesn’t make a move, then we have a stand off.
  5. Ironically, no this wasn’t the case with my opinion. My only point was that I believe the GFS had the better idea from the get go with this system.,it was better with the strength of the block/confluence. And it had the right idea of not plowing the primary as far north/into Michigan, or as far west, like the Euro was showing Tuesday and early Wednesday. Just my take. But whatever, lm at 11.3” on the season, at least I made it to double digits. What a horrible season.
  6. ya took that the wrong way, and that’s fine. But we have Will seeing my point, and another MET as well. It was pretty bad coming into today, and the GFS had the better overall idea. I’m done.,moving on.
  7. Agree. I don’t know why folks can’t see that??? Mind boggling. It(Euro)had the wrong synoptic idea big time. Sure GFS moved some too, but it had the better synoptic idea period.
  8. Steve, I’m making my point, that’s all. and Others agree. And it wasn’t 4 days ago it was Tuesday and yesterday. I don’t care what Jeff shows, maybe it’s better for him in Maine, but not here.,the GFS had the better idea from the start. Now I’ll drop it.
  9. This is my point…GFS led the way, it wasn’t 100% right, but it was ahead of the Euro from the start.
  10. Because the GFS had the better idea from the start. That’s so easy to see. We can disagree, but I’m not seeing this differently currently. Euro was way north with the storm in the Midwest for days, and the secondary development was the GFS idea first. GFS had the better idea from the get go.
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