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Everything posted by WhitinsvilleWX

  1. My company has been doing remodel on all the locations. They are going to open concept. Even the VPs are out with the hoi polloi. They claim it's to "promote collaboration", but the real reason is they can stuff twice as many into the same square footage. We've been hot desking since the pandemic. Everyone stored their stuff in boxes. We have "green" desks and "red" desks. Green you can book with the booking tool, red you cant book (distancing issues). I got my folks exempted. I moved them to desks that are sufficiently distanced. We do image analysis using AI tools in addition to lab work and need the big huge monitors. That doesn't work to well if someone who pushes papers all day books your desk with a two 32" monitors.
  2. Doesn't really have anything to do with infections. A lot of companies will go to a hybrid model of work, mine included, because people got used to it. But I don't think they want the majority remote like they are now. Where I work, on any given day, campus census across 5 locations MIGHT be 10-12% of normal,
  3. yea, true enough. The people I'm talking about are all in silico people. My company has made it pretty plain that they expect folks to be in the office 2-3 days a week ones this is over. How one defines "over" is the trick. Once this dragged on into May, I told my wife it took one day to send everyone home, but it will take 1-2 years to go back. We're already into year 2
  4. This is true. I personally know a few people in my division (who haven't been in one time since we got sent home in March 2020) that have said they don't feel safe back in the office even after vaccination. Mean while my crew and I have been back in the lab since last June. I think some have gotten used to staying at home on zoom in their PJ's.
  5. I see the Stein a'comin' It's rollin' round the Euro bend and I aint seen a rain cloud in..I dunno when but I'm stuck in Stein prison That's where I want to stay And I'll let that Stein dryness, blow my grass away.
  6. Yea, winds ripping pretty good here. Just knocked over one of my deck chairs.
  7. Stein or not to Stein. That’s the question. Days and days, weeks and weeks, months and months of temp, dew and Stein talk incoming. When and who fires up the 2021-2022 winter thread? EDIT: LOL!! Just noticed it was fired up Wednesday by the one I figured would do it.
  8. I was hoping for .500, but I have my doubts.They looked god awful this weekend. Cora’s a decent manager but he hasn’t got much.
  9. Sorry about the fall. I fell about 10 years ago and broke my radius, cracked my humorous, and dislocated my elbow. I have a house on the intercoastal in Wilmington, NC with a boat slip. That’s where I’m headed when I retire. Little too far north for me in the dead of winter, but I’ll survive. I like snow, but honestly I’m about done with it. I like to look at it, but cleaning up the mess I can do without. I also have balance issues that are getting worse. It’s just a matter of time before I take a header on the ice. I’m very careful but I know it’s coming.
  10. That’s the way it should be. Any remodel down to studs needs a permit. I ran a couple new circuits from the basement up to the bathroom for a heated floor, and an electronic shower valve. Plus I converted a single lavatory to a double. But like I said, the second one I did on my own and basically did the same thing. Guy next door just had a landscaper put in a thick stone retaining wall in his back yard to put an above ground pool on. That things built so solid it will be there after he’s gone and buried. Guy next door to him started hollering at him because he didn’t get a permit. In Massachusetts any retaining wall over 4 feet needs a permit. His wall is right at 4 feet at the highest point. Hopefully the guy won’t turn him in. That neighbor is a real know it all a-hole anyway. I wouldn’t put it past him.
  11. I hope so. I’m pretty well all set with cold weather. I put my snow blower away today.
  12. I’ve done stuff with and without a permit. When I put the pool in I got one since the pool builder required it and you really want one with something that big. I replaced a deck, front porch, partially finished my basement and did a hallway bathroom remodel without one. I did the master bath remodel with a permit and it was pretty worthless to do. I had a licensed plumber and electrician and spent money on permits. The second remodel I did everything DIY and didn’t bother. My dad is a retired plumber and building contractor and I can do all of it in my sleep to code anyway. For a shed, I guess it depends on the town. Where I live they wouldn’t care too much. Some towns they could be a hard ass. Also you could get a neighbor turn you in. I’ve seen that before. But if you get a permit, at some point they’ll raise your property taxes. If you do it with no permit, just be sure to comply with all the setback rules and you’ll be ok if you get caught.
  13. Yea, that was a top notch ending. You don’t see something like that very often. Plus I hate the PAC 10/12 so that was just icing on the cake.
  14. 40 here. Clear blue sky. temp talk season has commenced.
  15. More people like this than you think. I know a few. Very reasonable people. Or at least I thought. The PTSD from this is going to last years. For some people, it will last the rest of their life.
  16. This mass testing has to end at some point. If we mass tested for the flu in any given year, people would be appalled at the numbers if we reported PCR tests the way they’re being used for this. The idea of test and trace was and is a farce. That was the original reason for the mass testing. You don’t hear that anymore. Mass testing at this point is a pointless endeavor except to see what the level is in a particular area. If you feel sick, stay home.
  17. I just went outside again. Had to sign for a FedEx delivery. Not that bad in the sun actually. I’ve been cooped up all morning doing laundry. My wife only does hers. Kids do theirs and I do mine. I joke, really only 20% a joke, if I wanted to hide something from her where she’d never find it, just put it in my laundry basket.
  18. I take that as a compliment. He’s my hero
  19. It looks to be leveling out. The increase in 7 day avg seen in Massachusetts is leveling too. What the dystopian media doesn’t say is about half the positives in a lot of areas are in the 30 and under crowd. Death numbers continue to fall. The 7 day average for that in the US is at 850. So under 1000. Once that 30-40 and under demographic starts to get vaccinated, the curve should start going down pretty fast. Breakthrough infections will fall too once less virus is circulating. People forget, or don’t know, the mumps vaccine is “only” 78% effective. There’s very little infection since most people are vaxed.
  20. You have thicker skin than me. I’m only at 42 with a little wind.
  21. I’m on a hill. It’s on the south side of the house. We’ve also had a couple of really nice days in the low 70’s here and there toward the end of march. My ground phlox are showing a hint of green. They usually start blooming a little around patriots day. That’s in 2 weeks so we’ll se how it goes.
  22. Mine just started blooming. I’m afraid it’s done for
  23. I’m at 25 with the stove going this morning. Not a cloud in the sky.
  24. Probably should have been rolled out by age only. It's pretty clear by now who is the most vulnerable to severe illness and death. Once they went down the "identity" distribution rabbit hole, it was open season for every interest group to try and make the case for why they should be next. .
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