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Everything posted by WhitinsvilleWX

  1. The mandate was rescinded as of midnight last night.
  2. He’s an engineer. He can’t help himself, it’s in his blood. I’ve known a lot of them in my life and most have the same personality.
  3. That’s great! Cambridge still hasn’t gotten the message
  4. My drive through boston and cambridge this morning had the same observation as yesterday. 99% masked outside.
  5. Wind is ripping. Just stepped outside here in Cambridge and its really cold
  6. One can only hope. Rolls and rolls
  7. I think she’d take the 5000 and run, but she’s just been procrastinating.
  8. My brother in law collected baseball cards. He died in 2016 of AML. He left my sister in law with over 10,000 cards dated from the 70’s through the aughts. He had multiples of sets. God knows what’s in those boxes. He had it all catalogued on an excel sheet but I know shyte about any of it. She’s looked into selling them but has no idea what the collection is worth. Some I’m sure are worth pennies. Some are probably worth hundreds. A guy offered her $5000 for the lot. She hasn’t sold them yet.
  9. We’re all hyped up to move up in the draft and get a QB. He’ll probably trade down and get a gunner from Rutgers
  10. Same. couldn't stand Ray Knight. Yes I still hold a grudge. I blame Mcnamera.
  11. Welp. I have to report that I saw 95-98% outdoor mask wearing down Mass Ave from Huntington Ave in Boston, to Sidney Street in Cambridge. And the little bit of Huntington I was on from the Pru to Mass Ave, same deal. I'll go that way again tomorrow when the mandate is actually lifted and see if there is any change. I think I know the answer already.
  12. When I drive in this morning I’ll go the long way down mass ave and see what’s up this morning. I saw no change in the people’s republic of Cambridge yesterday.
  13. The girl that drove our route last summer was front lawn camp out worthy just to wait on her. Guys up and down the street ran out to get the packages when she stopped.
  14. Yea, that was uncalled for Phin. Come on. My wife drove for them for awhile just to pay for some stuff we wanted and didn’t want to save up for.
  15. Second shot? 20-24 hours is about right. It’ll go away pretty fast. How high is it? You can take Motrin for the fever and aches if you have them. If it gets worse, you can switch between Tylenol and Motrin every 3 hours.
  16. That was my point about more population inside 128. No comparison. And 60 plus % of deaths in Mass were in LTC facilities, just like most states in the US.
  17. Canada doesn’t have the constitutional protections we have. And vaccine roll out hasn’t been great. No manufacturing.
  18. There’s more people inside 128 than all of Atlantic Canada combined.
  19. My dogs freaked out last night at 2:15 am when the thunder shook the house. Other then that I was stoked. Let’s do it again. It’s coming this way but it looks like it may fizzle out before it gets in here.
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