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Everything posted by WhitinsvilleWX

  1. Gas futures might have been good a few days ago. I wonder if the guys who encrypted the pipeline software were long?
  2. Not sure what a starting salary is for an engineer. I know I hired a 22 yo Northeastern graduate last June. She has a degree in biology and had two, 6 month co-op's at biotech companies here in Cambridge. I hired her at $78,000 a year, full medical, dental, vision, 401(k) with a 4% match, life insurance, paid 6 month disability at full salary, long term disability, 3 weeks vacation to start, 2 weeks sick time, and an 8% of base salary yearly bonus target. She just turned 23. So it depends on the degree you get. And her co-ops got her the job over someone else with a similar degree.
  3. When I went to high school, the one that went to VoTech in the afternoon were basically just this side of prison and could barely read. Now its competitive to get in. My son got in BVT for next year. He does a rotation in 7 shops (out of 18) then he picks next spring the one he wants the rest of high school.
  4. Unless you go to college to learn how to "do" something, like lab work (biology major), engineer, met, etc, most college degrees are useless. I suppose you could major in art history and go to law school.
  5. My father owned a lot of that kind of stuff over the years. He had a couple of mini storage facilities, a laundry, a few 20 unit apartment buildings, and some rent houses.
  6. I can speak to this! My father is a retired plumber. He started right out of high school in 1959. He was self employed with his own business by 1963. He never did repair, always new construction. He plumbed Jack in the Box, Mcdonalds, Denny's, Walmart, you name it. He did office buildings, nursing homes and hotels. He sent me to college and med school with no loans. I had zero debt. When he retired, he had 6 mill pile of cash. Never cracked a college book.
  7. Yea, and if Devers hadn’t double clutched the throw to third I think he would have been out.
  8. And the Red Sox are going down in Balmer.
  9. Once there’s a federal reg, it’s hard to get rid of. See bare feet in the airport because of one idiot trying to light his shoe on fire 20 years ago.
  10. None of it makes sense any more. The CDC says fully vaccinated people can meet together indoors with no mask. Yet me and my 4 reports, who are all fully vaccinated, can’t have a staff meeting in a conference room unmasked.
  11. The whole messaging was fouled up from the beginning. The reason they told you that it might not stop transmission, or it couldn’t be said, is because there was/is no label for it. The trials didn’t assess that. Longer trials would have done that. What people have to understand is that drug manufactures can not, under any circumstances, make claims that is not on the label. That’s gotten more drug companies in trouble than anything else. That said, no vaccine is ever manufactured or marketed without the idea that it stops transmission. If it stops infection, you won’t transmit it. Viral load and all. The messaging could have been better. Label be damned. But there has to be easing if indoor masking. Places like where I work will not under any circumstance relax the masking until the city and state change the orders.
  12. There will always be the next mutant from Satan to instill fear in the masses.
  13. The bolded is the authors opinion. I’ve read countless scientific papers and authored/coauthored over 100. That sentence is pure speculation from a particular agenda. It may or may not be true. The best papers present the data and discuss the results, period. Again, my own opinion.
  14. Death numbers year over year are pretty consistent. 2020 had a pretty big spike in death rates presumably due to covid. Will be interesting to see what the death numbers look like in 2021 and 2022. If your idea (bolded above) is correct, and I suspect it might be, there should be a noticeable dip this year and next year. At any rate, there's enough here to keep some epidemiologists in grant money until they retire.
  15. Friend of mine got it. He had very little issues. Slight fever for a day or so (~100), runny nose. Mostly like a head cold. Was over it in about 5 days. Wife and 2 kids never got it. I'm convinced it all has to do with viral load with how sick and /or contagious you are.
  16. The viral load in kids doesn't get high enough to transmit, really. There are exceptions, but for the most part, kids dont get that sick.
  17. Its never going to get to zero, anywhere. If people are waiting for that to 'feel safe", open up 100%, and stop wearing masks indoors and out, they will be waiting the rest of their lives.
  18. Ha. I personally know a guy who’s whole family, including himself, are fully vaccinated. He won’t let his wife go out shopping, won’t let his kids or grandkids in the house. His wife can’t go anywhere, he wont let her. They haven’t been anywhere in 14 months. The kids bring them groceries, etc and leave it on the porch. I know another guy, both he and his wife are fully vaccinated. She hasnt left the house in 14 months except to get the vaccine. He only goes ur once every 2 weeks to get necessities that can’t have delivered. Yea, more people out there like that then you think.
  19. This is what keeps up in the wee hours sometimes.
  20. Every place I went this weekend I didn’t wear one. Only one person, at Home Depot, just asked me to use the self check out. And she was masked and standing behind plexi glass. I told her I’d be happy to use the self checkout. I didn’t wear one in or out of the restaurant tonight. No one said shyte. I’ll wear one at work because they pay my salary, but fook the rest of it. I didn’t get shot up twice with a 90% plus efficacious vaccine and go through 36 hours of fever and aches to wear a foolish piece of cloth over my face when I’m not sick.
  21. Lol Same with me. I never really wore one unless I had to like at work. Ive pretty much stopped doing it at this point. I’m fully vaxed, not sick, and not scared of people.
  22. This is just my opinion, but I don’t think it had much to do with masks. If masks worked to make flu season almost nil, they would have worked better against Covid. They didn’t. The reason flu season was negligible was 3 reasons, again only my opinion. 1) places where flu normally transmitted like work, school, and recreational venues were closed. 2) There is a certain amount of immunity to flu strains in the population even without a flu shot since it’s been around for years. There was none for Covid. And very little virus circulated due to #1. 3) There is a phenomenon where there is only one respiratory virus that’s able to infect an individual at one time. There was so much Covid circulating, that individuals who were/are susceptible to flu got Covid instead.
  23. Have you ever lived outside a city?
  24. I was just at 110 grill. Place was packed. Everyone with no mask, eating, drinking, having a good time. People get up to leave, throw a mask on, then hit the parking lot. Then proceed to keep masked out doors until they get to the car. But they just sat in a crowded restaurant for 2 hours with no face diaper. People amaze me. I never thought the masses could be conditioned like this. It’s a really great psychological experiment on a grand scale.
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