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Everything posted by yotaman

  1. 67 for a low here. Too close to the water. Currently 81/69.
  2. .42" late last night. Feels so much better out there today. Bright blue skies and not a cloud around. Currently 82/67.
  3. You will get it way before I do. I am with you on this summer weather.
  4. Waiting for the drier air to move in. Currently 88/77.
  5. Quick moving thunderstorm dropped .18" and more importantly dropped the temp from 84/80 to 76/73.
  6. Got another .98" overnight which puts my month total at 5.78". Parts of New Bern picked up to 5" overnight last night causing lots of flooding.
  7. Heavy thunderstorm in progress. .54" so far from it. EDIT. What a storm. 1.39" in about 1 hour.
  8. Picked up .50" yesterday. That makes 3 straight days with rain and rain is in the forecast thru next Wednesday. Currently 88/76.
  9. Picked up another .81" yesterday from several storms. Surprising since I was watching the radar from work and it looked like I had hardly any rain. Thundering right now. 90/78.
  10. Picked up .51" total yesterday. Currently 88/79.
  11. I am so sorry for your loss. What a horrible way to lose a pet. And shame on the vet for waiting to notify you like that. I hope they lost any and all future business with you. Again, so sorry for your loss.
  12. Moderate T-storm in progress. Currently 84/77.
  13. Not too bad out there today. Dew points are down. Currently 82/75.
  14. Rant of the day: Took our 3 grand children to the movies this afternoon. $45 to get in. 4 regular drinks and 2 regular popcorns = $45. $90 for the day. No wonder why people do go to the movies much anymore.
  15. Big storms hung out to our west most of the day today and when they finally moved in to our area, they fell apart. .10" was all we could muster.
  16. That's about what happened to us today too. .08" is all we could muster with some areas to my south and west getting well over 1".
  17. Here is a slow motion video of lightning hitting the water.
  18. Hot and humid today. Lazy days of August are here. Currently 91/77 although it did it 94 earlier today.
  19. Storms last night petered out right before they hit us. Picked up only .09". Currently 90/77.
  20. Sultry out today. Currently 93/81 for a heat index of 113. Yesterday I drove into one the heaviest storms I have ever driven into. Rain and small hail coming down so hard I was only able to do 20 mph and I still had a hard time seeing the road. Very impressive storm, it missed my house by just a few miles.
  21. Steamy out, 89/80. Storm clouds are gathering.
  22. Currently sunny and 92/79. Only 20% chance of rain today.
  23. Well it looks like my rainy streak is over although we did have some very close thunderstorms this afternoon so some areas did get lots of rain just not me.
  24. First time we had no rain before noon in almost 2 weeks. Woohoo, got my swamp mowed, had to raise the height of the mower deck so it wouldn't stall constantly but it's done. Steamy out there at 90/80.
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