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Posts posted by rclab

  1. 3 hours ago, nycwinter said:

    2:20 somewhere over the rainbow..

    Bad day for bike or broom riding Witches. Unbelievable video. My compliments to the chasers ( if that’s what they were doing )  for their bravery and perhaps foolishness. As always ....

  2. 52 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

    This is one thing I don’t get...I can beat around Avant Regent all day like a piñata and no one ever says I’m attacking liberals. But when I point out something stupid said by someone who also just happens to be conservative “I’m attacking all conservatives”. And this does not only apply to here. This exact phenomenon is repeated at family functions and work. I have worked with both crazy nutball liberals and conservatives. For years I would point out the crazy from someone who just happened to be liberal and none of the other liberals ever made it a group thing. But one time I did something similar with one of the conservatives and the other conservatives suddenly took it as a personal attack on them also when they didn’t even agree with the crazy stupid thing I was making fun of. WTF???

    The liberals at work may be closet moderates. As always ....

  3. 39 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

    I’ve really struggled to comprehend the mindset of some of the covid arguments I’ve been hearing lately.  I try to be empathetic to all points of view so in an effort to better relate I have decided to stick my head as far up my own ass as possible.  

    At least that’s easier than trying to keep six feet away from yourself. As always ....

  4. 11 minutes ago, H2O said:

    My dad was born in 1936 so he was a part of the tail end of the Great Depression and jumped right into WW2/  The stuff he told me of what they did/didn't have as a kid was stunning.  

    Now we have groups of people going out to protest and butthurt they can't get a damn haircut or lawn gnomes with ease.  There are just ridiculous narratives being pushed when reality is that a ton of people will suffer if we don't listen to the experts.

    My Dad was born during WW 1 and served the length of WW2. I or my sister still have, hidden somewhere, the ration stamp books used for basic food items. When we complained, as kids, my mom would explain what it was like to get sugar, butter, coffee and meats like bacon. How ladies would fake pregnancy to get a larger allotment. Haircuts were easy. If you were old enough and healthy you got them free from the military, if not you made due with moms best cuts especially where barbers were scarce. As always ....


    • Like 3
  5. 8 hours ago, IrishRob17 said:

    My wife handles the vegetable garden, for the most part. The way I see it, I mow the lawn once a week typically while she has to deal with the garden daily. 


    18 minutes ago, gravitylover said:

    I deal with outside and do all gardening and overall facilities upkeep and maintenance, my wife feeds us. I like to eat so...

    As a widower, I covet your situations. The good that’s in both of your partnerships will keep them going. As always ....

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, mappy said:

    Pork chops 

    First heard them described as that 51 years ago. The Principal at the Arkansas High School I was student teaching at took one look at me and said, “ Boy, tomorrow morning I only want to see the bone on those pork chops”. As I Remember, the town was in a dry county (Prohibition still in effect)  Very friendly and kind hearted folk though. As always ....

  7. 10 minutes ago, MJO812 said:

    My fiancee is really thinking about moving to New Hampshire. She has been there many times.

    We might go up there this summer and see about houses.

    Follow both your dreams, Anthony. But for the too’s I would do the same. Too old, too tired, too late and too attached to my U.H.I. As always .....

  8. 1 hour ago, LibertyBell said:

    Happy Easter and Passover everyone!!


    Whoever thought the simple term “Let us join hands” could be considered a threat. 
    My daughter says we should practice, at a distance, Air Hugs. Even so, may this season of light, hope and redemption bring to all is us happiness and peace. As always ....

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, vortmax said:

    100% that China's #'s are deliberately low. The Chinese government will pay heavily for the havoc they've caused - watch and see how the world turns on them after this is over. I hope their government fails and their people prosper.

    The mantra of the dictatorial/authoritarian leaderships. The Will Of The Few For The Suffering Of The Many’ As always ....

  10. 1 hour ago, MJO812 said:

    Gov Cuomo said Deblasio didnt tell him that he was closing schools for the rest of the year . He then said a decision with schools will be coordinated with everyone.

    Cuomo also said Deblasio might want to open business in May but the Governor  said nothing has been said to him.

    Deblasio is trying to work alone lol

    It’s like watching Sesame Street without the benefits. As always. ......

    • Like 2
  11. 1 minute ago, uncle W said:

    we can joke when there is good news...being a cop today is really tough...I had an uncle who was a cop and committed suicide back in 1962....I know first hand the pressures of being a cop...

    Your right, of course, I have blood kin in all the critical departments. Sometimes a little laughter is the only medicine we have left. As always ......

    • Like 2
  12. 57 minutes ago, uncle W said:

    great news...stay safe...


    Uncle thank you for that “Positive” demonstration. As a card carrying, tax paying, mostly bemused member of the “Who’s on first citizens choir” I salute you. As always......

  13. 50 minutes ago, Rjay said:

    Starting to feel much worse again tn but I'm not worried. 

    I pray that, at the end of a very difficult roller coaster ride, your recovery will be complete. As always...

    55 minutes ago, Rjay said:

    It got covid and is being isolated for 14 days.

    Perhaps the thread should be five posted, when it comes back. As always.....

    • Like 2
  14. 3 hours ago, LibertyBell said:

    Nature will be fine long after humanity is extinct :P As a matter of fact, probably in much better condition.  This pandemic is making that apparent.



    Only a fool says in his heart, there is no reckoning. Be safe, be well. As always ...

    • Thanks 1
  15. On 4/7/2020 at 4:32 PM, showmethesnow said:

    Your good. Everyone knows that Flaming Hot Cheetos is a known preventative of the Cornavirus. This is fact. :whistle:

    That all depend on where you ingest them. As always .....

  16. 6 minutes ago, showmethesnow said:

    Dear Diary,

    We are now 2 weeks into our lock down.

    Supplies are running low.

    Trying to decide if I want a sardine and jelly sandwich or whether I prefer a cake icing and capers one. 

    Now if I only had bread.

    Using my experience as a widower, I can say that you have covered all the basic foos groups. As always .....


    • Haha 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Maestrobjwa said:

    And I'm laughing at "Aerosolized feces" Hahaha That's a new one...


    1 hour ago, Baltimorewx said:


    suggesting to flush with toilet lid down. 

    However, my girlfriend has me in the habit of flushing in soon as it plops cuz I’m so “rank” so we good. 

    Besides Political we now have to abide by Scatological Correctness. Be wary when on the go, As always.....

    • Haha 3
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