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Posts posted by rclab

  1. 46 minutes ago, George BM said:

    Same pattern... but 4 months back:


    "What an epic cold, snowy, blizzardy period! I am literally buried inside my house with 30'+ snow drifts everywhere! Boy oh boy oh boy oh BOY!!

    "Jebman! You're missing out on dopamine overloads! You GOT to get up here with your Jeb-shovel and help me dig up an EPIC snow-maze! Think about it! We can make boatloads of the green stuff for the tourists in the region going through our maze! You can help me put various household items that we no longer need at various locations in the maze and there's my jump-start to spring cleaning right there! WOOHOO! HOOWOOWOO!!"


    If this had occurred, considering the lack of precipitation in the NE/NNE, the Moderators would be in combat gear as the forum would be in civil war. On a side note, I remember years ago when extreme cold was in the offing a forum member would say “ its time for a Jeb-walk. As always.....






    IAD: Currently the temperature is 68F with low clouds and light drizzle.

    Dewpt: 66F

    Wind: E 10 mph


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  2. 19 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

    Can't wait...finally get to have TP stuck to the fanny and waking up in the AM with sheets plastered all over the body and as you peel them off your bare skin the tingling sensation slowly trickles from your head, down your spine, and into your legs. 

    W.W. That sounds pretty good to me. Is it legal and can you do it alone? As always ....

  3. 22 hours ago, Mrs.J said:

    Would love to see it!

    Mrs J. The small image you see below is the unintentional attempt I alluded to. Mrs L and I had a long and sometimes contentious relationship and being a bit of a sometimes foolish sentimental romantic, I would buy her a fresh rose every so often. Depending on the state of our relationship at the moment the rose would either be lovingly placed in a bud vase or the nearest circular receptacle if I wasn’t within throwing distance. When I lost her I made the side room on our floor a memory room. I placed a live rose by her portrait. It would last a week or more and then I’d replace it. I felt bad disposing of them so began holding on to them. What you see in the photo, is the result. The pandemic stopped me from the purchase so I placed a permanent crystal rose by her portrait. A portrait of her done a few months before her 17th birthday. Mrs L’s last gift to me was the illustrated book “ The Giving Tree”. I purchased it, at her request. She was too ill to leave the house. It was five weeks before her passing. I keep it on my night table. I even wrote a review for Amazon. It was the only way I thought I could thank the author. “ Now as an old man I sit where she rests. I dream and remember”.  That was the last sentence of my review. Thank you, Mrs. J for the beauty you bring to the forum, as always .....



    • Like 5
  4. On 6/14/2020 at 1:44 PM, Mrs.J said:

    So I am not just a baker/cook. I tend to be a jack of all trades. Over the years I have spent time and money getting my back garden organized so that it could be a vase garden. This year it has exploded with all my work. Here is my first vase bouquet from my yard. 


    Mrs J.your hydrangeas +  are a living example of why artificial stimulation is unnecessary. If you have a yard or can find a green space all you need is to open your eyes and enjoy what has always been free. If I ever figure out how to add a photo to a post I’ll share an un-intentioned floral creation of mine with you. As always ....

    • Like 1
  5. 55 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

    It is sad once the days start getting shorter.  I love the late daylight but I also find we eat dinner so late because of it.  In January it’s like 6pm rolls around time for dinner, sun’s been down since 4:30.... now we eat at like 8:30 or 9pm even.  Terrible to go to sleep with a full stomach but right now there’s some light until 9:15pm (civil twilight or whatever it’s called).  I’ve got this mental block eating dinner in like the middle of the day type lighting at 6pm.  

    In other cultures the heavy/main meal is the middle meal with a two hour break for rest and relaxation beginning around 1300. A late meal, if taken, is generally light. If we did that here, work truant officers would have to be sent out to get us all back. As always ....

    • Haha 2
  6. 15 hours ago, LibertyBell said:

    ah the nights are amazing when that happens!  so nice and cool and so many stars to see and no yucky haze!


    Standing in my Red Hook/Cobble Hill postage stamp back yard, even on a cool clear night, I look up and see nothing. The city that never sleeps, by necessity, keeps the lights on all night. Nary ever a star to see. As always ...

    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, LibertyBell said:

    low humidity at 90 or even 100 is AMAZING.

    it's the humidity that kills us not the temp.


    Give me some 100 degree temps with 20% humidity.....



    Agree totally. Now For perfection just add some desert style radiational cooling. My old/odd parts may fall off but It’s worth it. As always ....

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, mappy said:




    Nicely done Ms Mappy. Perry Como sang it best. “Bless the beasts and the children  Give them shelter from the storm. Keep them safe. Keep them warm. Light their way when darkness surrounds them  Give them love” My lost love and I would go to the local churches to witness the blessing of the animals in the fall. I recall one year, at St. Pats in Bay Ridge Brooklyn the Cleric came around to each person to give an individual blessing. When he reached my wife she smiled and pointed to me. I got spritzed and it was well worth it. As always ...

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, RDM said:

    That looks mouthwatering Mrs. J.  Reminds me of the pies my mom used to make back home in Ohio, all from fresh ingredients.  We'd go pick strawberries at the lock u-pick farm near Troy, OH (normally about 80 quarts a year).  We were fortunate they didn't weigh each of us before and after we picked (it was 4 in the basket and 1 in your mouth etc.).  We grew the rhubarb in the back yard next to the gooseberry bush.  Gotta ask, do you make gooseberry pie too?  

    We'd pick wild blackberries along the railroad tracks at the edge of town, get blueberries from Michigan, peaches from Georgia, make applesauce from the apples on our apple tree, and cherry jam from our cherry tree (got over 30 gallons off that tree one year) and grape jam from our grape vine.  All of the home grown stuff from a 1/3 acre lot.  Back then in the 60's, you bought or picked whatever you could when it was in season - there was no such thing as year around oranges and strawberries like we have now.  

    Mrs J in consideration of my present hierarchy of values that strawberry  pie photo constitutes a pin up. I’ll stop right there with the metaphor. RDM I remember seasonal fruit in the last early fifties, when I was a boy. We loved watermelon. My mom bought several late in the season and stored them in a back, under porch, outside pantry. We had an unusual early season hard freeze and the darn things exploded. We also picked wild blueberries in the woods around Lakewood New Jersey. A different time, a different way. As always .....

    • Like 1
  10. On 6/3/2020 at 6:34 PM, Baltimorewx said:

    May not look as good as ms j’s stuff but this was delicious. Shrimp (marinated with honey and garlic) Alfredo with chick pea penne pasta and home grown cherry tomatoes


    It’s gorgeous. I would show you what I put together for myself today but it’s a hell of A way to get your first warning point. As always ..

  11. 3 hours ago, forkyfork said:

    how can anyone complain when it's 90 but enjoy 0

    I guess at 0 you can keep moving to stay warm. At 90 it’s inside with artificial cool air or outside immersed in sometimes questionable wet. As always .....

    • Thanks 1
  12. 41 minutes ago, Fantom X said:

    MAY 2020  +0.54 



    Draw a line through the middle and the direction is obvious and for the last few years seems to be accelerating. To use the words of an often maligned, sometimes controversial Professional Meteorologist and part time Philosopher. “ The Trend Is Your Friend”. As always ....

  13. 1 hour ago, SI Mailman said:

    I've been averaging 65-70 hour weeks since the pandemic started.  Have probably had a grand total of 5 days off since lockdown started.  At least Sundays have been mostly half days delivering parcels in the AM.  I'm off the overtime list at the end of the month, but will still probably pull 50 hour workweeks from mere parcel volume alone.

    Please take care of yourself. The old company adage was when an employee buys it on the job the first thing you do is step over him and clock him out. I hope the penalty overtime provisions are being adhered to. Be well and safe. As always ...


  14. 1 hour ago, MJO812 said:

    I will be working 12+ hour tours  everyday with no days off starting today.

    Please try to get rest when you can. The fear in my Cobble Hill neighborhood was that The Cadman Plaza area protest would move west along Court and/or Smith. I just listen for the choppers. If I hear them getting closer then I figure trouble may be arriving. I’m happy the mayor grew some grey matter and realized a curfew tgat starts hours after dark was less than useless. We are a long way from Fred’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Right now it just seems like a long night in the hood. Be safe, As always ....

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  15. 8 minutes ago, tamarack said:

    Too young to remember the early-mid 1960s?  1965 is the driest year on record for 6 of the 7 coastal states DE to MA, with NY missing out due to the significantly drier climo on the southern tier counties.  However, 1965 is NYC's driest in their 151-yr POR (by more than 6"!) while '64 is #2 and '63 at #4.  1966 was close to the 1965 rates until 5.5" felon 9/21 and was actually worse, due both to drought duration and because met summer '66 was the hottest (now 2nd behind 2010) and driest on record.  One of my notable wx trivia memories is that some central/west VA sites got more rain in 5 hours from Camille's remains than NYC got in all of 1965.

    I was in college that. year and houses In Brooklyn with accessible backyards were actually drilling wells. At that time the concern for the quality of that water was not a factor. The well water was used, primarily, for pools and gardening. As  always .....

  16. 6 hours ago, H2O said:

    I never liked that pic. The pants make my ass look HUGE

    Not so H2O. It’s the overlay of the capital A that gives that illusion in the photo. Your legs, however, would definitely make some of the girls jealous.  As always ....

  17. On 5/20/2020 at 2:53 PM, forkyfork said:


    if i there was a button to make every summer hot but never get snow again i'd press it with my full body weight 

    Careful Forky, Mr. Scratch may be listening and you’ll never find a Daniel Webster in today’s reality. As always .....

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