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Posts posted by rclab

  1. 4 minutes ago, Mrs.J said:


    I am having fun with this! The older Miss J. just did the gag/barf face with this one. 



    My father used to say, “don’t look at it, just eat it” And it doesn’t look that bad. As always ....

  2. 5 minutes ago, forkyfork said:

    i went to bed in disgust before seeing any snow

    My pissed off Geraniums wanted to know what happened to the blowtorch wielding professional Meteorologist, named after a kitchen utensil. Thanks, Forky, at least I have something to tell them. As always ....

    • Haha 1
  3. 51 minutes ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

    Another bday...enjoy it. May it snow in your yard, as always.

    Thank you kindly. In my little patch of NYC UHI heaven, I may,  the way things are progressing with coastal climate, have to look at the feasibility of a roof snow making machine. That’s if my roof effect snow can reach the ground before melting on contact. As always .....

  4. 1 hour ago, uncle W said:

    I hope someone is awake in Central park if wet snow flakes mix in overnight...it would go unreported...they already missed the little snow that fell in late April...

    Oh well, first we had a group that couldnt measure, now we’ve upgraded to a group that has yet to figure out that weather/precipitation  can be a 24l7 phenomenon. As always

  5. 2 hours ago, Vice-Regent said:

    It's too far away and too abstract for people but it's very real. However death anxiety is a problem as well but it's not normal to die from nuclear bombs.

    Nor the long lingering aftermath. “and the sun has come to earth” as always ......

  6. 3 minutes ago, Vice-Regent said:

    Truth but we also are the only country to date to use nuclear bombs on civilian populations. It's kind of expected and anything otherwise would be an anomaly.

    Too many  think of any type of life as an expendable statistic. Unfortunately that type of thinking is likely global. As always ......

  7. 36 minutes ago, RDM said:

    That's not only profoundly wrong, it's ignorant on multiple levels.  You've obviously never lived outside the US or traveled much internationally as well.

    Forkys like a kid with a blow torch looking for a gas leak. As always ......

  8. 2 hours ago, forkyfork said:

    wahhh i'm stuck at home with people i don't love

    There there, Forkyfork. Think of how the people your stuck with are feeling  As. Matter of fact you may get revenge  just by staying there  with them. Either way you all win or lose depending, of course, on your perspective. As always ....

  9. 4 hours ago, WxWatcher007 said:

    Seems like just yesterday when I jumped to the Great Beyond and hung up my own shingle to help other weenies let go too. 


    At my last breath, I believe I would rather follow the example of that young person, than the good old light at the end of the tunnel experience. As always...

  10. 12 minutes ago, bluewave said:

    Finally getting some more spring-like 70’s this weekend. Models hinting at the first May 30’s in NYC since the 1970’s next weekend. This would mean an unusually late freeze for some outlying areas if it verifies.

    Time Series Summary for NY CITY CENTRAL PARK, NY - Month of May
    Click column heading to sort ascending, click again to sort descending.
    Lowest Min Temperature 
    Missing Count
    1 1977 36 0
    2 1978 38 0
    - 1976 38 0
    - 1970 38 0



    B.W., that was a rather cold period, I was a letter carrier at the time. Some pundits were predicting the beginning of the next ice age. It raised the awareness of the terminal moraine in Prospect Park, Brooklyn. Come to think of it, all of Long Island might be considered one. Some end of the world, as we know it, climate science fiction came out, as a result. One was the The Seventh Winter, great story, it even had snow tornadoes. Science reality now takes over from science fiction as we anticipate the possibility of the first coastal snowless winter. As always .....

    • Like 1
  11. 49 minutes ago, gravitylover said:

    I would too, unfortunately pretty much everything I kept at my parents house for storage when I moved out was ruined or burned in a fire about 20 years ago. Now it's just a big table in the basement with stuff piled 2 feet deep on it :(

    Our American poet, Paul Simon, wrote the line “preserve your memories, their all that’s left you” , whether you are young or old, he was right. As always .....,

    • Like 3
    • Weenie 1
  12. 40 minutes ago, gravitylover said:

    When I was a teenager I had a 5 x 18' table set up with a three layer deep HO train set that went through 2 mountain ranges and three towns. I could run two 5 or 6 car trains at the same time. There was also over 200 feet of slot car tracks that went up to five layers high at points wrapping through the towns and mountains. I used to run two cars and two trains at the same time with a controller in each hand, it was quite a trick to run for any length of time without a major collision. I wish my house now was big enough to do something like that.

    If you have photos of that set up I would really enjoy seeing them. As always .....

  13. 1 hour ago, uncle W said:

    its a lot easier than what it was 35 years ago...a lot more expensive too...

    I have to start cataloging my closet full of Lionel sets and accessories. ‘$1,200’. Unc., when you are finished and on many levels, your set up, considering what you put into it, will be worth immeasurably more than that #.

  14. 15 hours ago, SRRTA22 said:

    Thank you rclab :) and Im right there in the same boat. Im 29 now, by the time I reach metsfan post count, ill be somewhere around 70...maybe older..or ashes... Always look forward to one of your posts. You bring great wit and dry humor and I love your ending... "As always" 

    I was 29 the year of the Bi Centennial, 1976. A parade of 18/19th century tall ships. An aircraft carrier anchored in the  Narrows off shore road. Hundreds of pleasure and commercial craft vying  for water space to watch the ship parade and fireworks. I remember seeining one of the old green Staten Island ferries listing with the crush of paid observation passengers concentrated on one side of the boat. The city was awash with sailors, crowds enjoying the sights. There were non, so it seemed,  of the present worries about personal physical or health Safety. SPRTA22 you will see the Tri Centennial in 2076. Maybe you’ll remember an old man from the distant past that predicted it would be so. By that time, in our warming climate, the New England/ Northeast forum folk will be having melt downs because the rain snow line keeps setting up in central Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. As always

    • Like 4
  15. 10 hours ago, SRRTA22 said:

    Post #1000! Finalllyyy Lol Been here since 2010. Hey weenies, Im the perfect example.. Read more, post less :) Learned so much from the guys here. Thank you everyone here for the crazy informative posts. Learned so much. I've been with alot of you most likely since the OG days of the early 2000s. WW, Eastern. Good ol' days. Time flies! Cheers brethren :drunk:

    Congratulations! I hope to reach that milestone before the end of the year. The way I figure it and with apology’s to the competent statisticians on the forum, at my present pace I would have to live to 113 to catch up to Anthony’s present count. Of course by then he would probably be approaching a quarter of a million. As always.....

    • Like 1
  16. 3 hours ago, gravitylover said:

    Every time somebody mentions WW the memories of some wonderful "debates" with DT come flooding back. He was quite the argumentative little firecracker 20 years ago... 

    Ahh yes weather banter. Another 40 degree dreary day on tap. Yay! :unsure:

    I remember DT going ballistic because someone quoted him as saying something negative about JB who he,mat least, respected at that time. One of my favorite lines, back then,  was when some posters were giving a respected contributor a hard time and another poster said. “ someone contact DT, it’s time for a weeny roast. I briefly saw the sun, a few moments ago, but I think it was a false positive. As always....


    • Haha 1
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