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Everything posted by canderson

  1. Can we discuss late February sun angle with warming temps on paved surfaces yet?
  2. It’s brilliantly sunny down here. Windy and cold, but sunny.
  3. February sun is doing its thing even at 33. Hearing ice break and fall and water running down gutters.
  4. For all my bitching yesterday, ended up with 4.8” (2.1 in 1st round, 2.7 in 2nd) total. Puts me right over 30” for the season. And next Wednesday might be in the mid 50s!
  5. Someone forgot to have their morning Jameson on the rocks.
  6. Gotta be the ice on the side roads. They’re Olympic qualify rinks.
  7. I don’t want to see another model snow map again.
  8. Went out to shovel my generous 2” snow and zr is already icing up plants. This storm can F off.
  9. Now back to all snow it seems. We're in no way reaching WSW criteria if this keeps up.
  10. It is POURING sleet. If "heavy sleet" is a thing, this is it.
  11. Been sleeting for at least 25 minutes. And looks around 1.75" give or take.
  12. Field across the street is covered again - it was bare yesterday. It’s already a god day.
  13. It’s gonna snow. Nothing special, but fresh snow to cover the green grass. Be happy!
  14. I had a sun angle talk yesterday with a bunch of Texans. Ironically I was explaining how it can work i their favor and help clear the roads today despite marginal temps.
  15. The more the merrier. This has been a great winter, any snow at all is a bonus.
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