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About ShawnEastTN

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Ten Mile, TN

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  1. Dang was hoping to read an AFD from the 12th & 13th of March 1993 for MRX probably pretty entertaining. They have other products though for those days that were nostalgic. I was only 13 at the time and really hoped to see what they wrote for Discussions for those days. Still was amazing seeing in B&W "Blizzard conditions at times" & "Stay indoors and DO NOT attempt to travel today" in an SPS. Great find BTW, adding to bookmarks. I just want one more blizzard of 93 before I'm really old.
  2. My high did the same thing for today. Originally forecast 2 days ago to be 34, then changed to be 31 only topped out at 28. This may not be the most extreme cold snap in East Tennessee, but it will be well remembered for both the intense cold long duration and amount of time snow has been on the ground. Now at a week from first snow and cold. A week later still have about 7 or 8 inches of snow left on the ground. Only lost a small amount to sublimation, think the freezing rain locked it in so that it cannot sublimate as quickly as a normal snow would have.
  3. Turning out to be a good NW flow event IMBY compared to most. Have pretty good light snow falling. Most NW flow I get a shower or 2 and flurries. I've had pretty consistent light snow for the last hour. My valley location doesn't usually get much from these but this might over perform for me.
  4. Just beginning to reach me and now a light snow shower. Interesting enough this morning I went above freezing to 33. Though now it appears to be falling again.
  5. Wow it is really bad out there I swear I already have about a tenth of an inch of glaze which is what they were calling for as the upper limit.
  6. I keep getting showers for about 10 minutes like the ones circled, and between those I get drizzle. Drizzle alone is bad, I think as the night goes on they'll become more numerous.
  7. I have had showers with drizzle in between them since it started. I think things will continue saturating through this into more steady rain but even looking up stream the precip looks showery instead of continuous rain. Though I would be absolutely fine if I didn't get another drop. Just the little bit I've gotten so far has made the roads worse.
  8. I'm really surprised how persistent my temp has been with how strong WAA has been outside the snow area. Essentially since about 1pm it's stayed 28/29, dewpoint has been very slowly rising though now up to 26. I guess evaporative cooling has had an impact all day here. Wonder if I'll go above freezing later in the night or will dew point stop climbing at some point.
  9. Never got above 29 today raining and glazing here. Areas of packed snow on roads is turning into solid clear type ice that you get no traction on. Locally there are vehicles now stuck between hills on a couple roads that got progressively worse over the last 2 hours. Had a nice shower almost moderate in nature that lasted about 15 minutes that seemed to speed the glazing.
  10. Maybe a good sign it'll be more sleet than freezing rain. I have a return over me but nothing fall currently.
  11. Yeah I'm wondering if that is what has seemed to lock my temperature down. I rose from 4 degrees this morning rather quickly to 25 then the rise slowed after clouds and stalled at 26/27. I've been sitting at like 26.9, and 27.1 back and forth for a couple hours now and climbing has stopped completely. I noticed humidity has really increased 82%, my dewpoint is 22.
  12. A tenth of an inch isn't too terrible, but all it takes is 1 weaker tree, then adding hundreds of pounds of ice to the weight to it to fall and take a line out. So it's definitely possible. A lot of folks don't think about the combined weight a mature tree especially a pine or cedar is holding up with a tenth of an inch of ice on every nook and cranny. It's an astounding amount of weight up to the weight of a small car. For my area trees still have snow on them that is sealed to the tree by freezing rain at the end of the snow Monday. That already has pines and cedars bending under the weight. Add more freezing rain and Friday wind gusts 25-30mph and I think it's a guarantee for at least sporadic outages. I don't think widespread outages but definitely will be some.
  13. Wow that is incredible! Aren't cruising upward like that up this way. Seems to plateaued around 25/26 here since clouds moved in. Snow still isn't melting here.
  14. Yeah as I look toward the west toward the plateau it looks dark like a summer thunderstorm approaching almost.
  15. Should add I've made it to 25 and overcast conditions are either moving in or developing. Can't tell for sure, but it seems like it developed overhead rather than moved in from the west. Anyone on the plateau have overcast skies or sunshine?
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