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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. Playing kettlebrook today. Have you played it recently? Burned out?
  2. .24 squeaks me over two for the month and six for the summer
  3. Yeah except we would pay for them to be rebuilt.
  4. Busting balls cutting trees today but I'll take extended summer. It's always too short.
  5. 75 here and feels nice. But I hear you on enjoying the last of it. And this from a heat hater.
  6. You've had your pool time. Back to the grindstone.
  7. We should play again before the snow flies. I'll bet you Connecticut National is in pretty good shape with all the rain. Kind of a hike for Luke but he does love the game.
  8. In the zero spot. Fine wood drying weather. We take...
  9. Broken back lolz... Cut yesterday already in the woodpile.
  10. Open a YouTube account they are free. Would love to see the video.
  11. It's been a great summer for clouds.
  12. Bald-faced hornets suck. Cutting one of my fields with a tractor and sickle bar. one tree in the whole Field. Figured I could get under the tree if I leaned back in the seat. As I'm going under the tree I hit a basketball sized nest with my head. Managed to throw the tractor in neutral and jump off . With my eyes swelling shut and the tractor and sickle bar still running I said eff it let it run out of gas.
  13. Stay safe. Probably some loose twigs hanging above.
  14. Folks next to me at the woodyard got a big party going on. Tents and catering trucks from Woodman's. Maybe I'll get some free clams on my wood stacks.
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