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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. Picking at the last piece of Summer. One more day...
  2. Oh crap! Did you see what's going on in Lewiston Maine? 16 dead 50 to 60 injured. Hopefully CNN has it wrong.
  3. I hate when people do that. It would have been a good photo. Now they have ruined it.
  4. Probably has absolutely no bearing on the severity of the coming winter but people have been loading up on firewood. Customers who usually take one cord are getting two, customers who get one truckload are making multiple trips. Oil prices are high but not any worse than last year. Maybe they're on to something???
  5. Come get your yellow jackets. Didn't have to wait till Thursday. they're freaking all over the place.
  6. Curious to how many people have Ravens nearby? I'vespent almost all my life in New England and had never seen one until a couple years back. They had been wiped out. Since then I'll hear them more than see them and usually only a single Raven. Left a gut pile from a deer in a field over the weekend. Today there must have been 10 or 20 of them. They were chasing away the vultures and hawks. Here's a video if anyone's interested.
  7. Beautiful day and we still have leaves. Must not have got the 50 mph winds some were calling for...
  8. 1.76 in total. Four times what we had the rest of the month.
  9. Sucks we're going to get all that wind. Colors are just getting good.
  10. .01 so far. Only 0.45 for the month . Didn't realize it had been that dry. We take.
  11. Nothing wrong around here. Especially the birches.
  12. Former oak Forest. Now becoming Black Birch and White pine . Kind of interesting the logs on the wall are American chestnut that died over a hundred years ago. Things change...
  13. Considering it's been such a crappy year for foliage It didn't look half bad in the woods today.
  14. Stay way to the right on number two or It will run off the green.
  15. We're getting there. Opened up a new corridor today.
  16. A little more sun and warmer would be nice. All in all i can't complain from what was forecast earlier in the week.
  17. Says a lot though but that's the best of professional can do in a year like this.
  18. Oh look! Our Forester Another question for you, how much experience do you have with Armillaria mellea? The woods are alive with the stuff. Not only the oaks. The ground is covered with honey mushrooms. Here is the base of a seemingly perfectly healthy sweet birch.
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