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Everything posted by kdxken

  1. No fun in Screamin' torch when everyone agrees.
  2. Mainers no doubt. Bastards.
  3. No sign of drought in NH today. Plenty of green...
  4. Got to hand it to you. You've had it coming since February.
  5. How did your heat wave go today?
  6. I'm in the forties for dew points.
  7. So let me do the math, 5 + 8 divided by 16 carry the two, as best I can figure we've had no heat waves.
  8. Mosquitoes and black flies are real. Oh are they real.
  9. Yeah but it hasn't been as cold and snowy like many on here predicted. You know, troughs and all...
  10. Can't tell you how many times I've been caught in one of those damn tsunamis. That's why I stopped going to West Dennis Beach.
  11. No one said that. It's as imaginary as his heatwaves and droughts.
  12. Boston missed your heatwave by 11, 10, 24 and 14 degrees. Happy?
  13. 74 / 51 an absolute stunner here.
  14. You said that about June 8th through the 12th. How did that work out for ya?
  15. "Nice stretch of weather starting tomorrow and lasting through the weekend. Great for eating outside. Jacket, sweater along the coast Saturday & Sunday evenings." https://twitter.com/jreineron7/status/1271217547661250573
  16. Fill your tub while you still can. The mother of all droughts is on its way.
  17. You should probably alert the mwra they don't have a clue! 6 MONTH PROJECTION: Normal Operations status conditions are projected based on a range of possible hydrologic conditions. RESTRICTIONS AND CONSERVATION: These are currently no restrictions on usage. MWRA requests that all users practice water conservation. If there were a drought, voluntary restrictions begin in the Drought Warning stage and mandatory restrictions in the Drought Emergency stages.
  18. This heat drought is seemingly never-ending.
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