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Everything posted by backedgeapproaching

  1. 3.9" at 7am. Sticking to everything at 31-32F. Just some -SN now, not expecting much more.
  2. I say that and of course DDH has just been reporting -SN and VIS about 1.5mi Not exactly 2" per hour.
  3. Radar has been really impressive down in SVT...good amount of 30-35dbz moving through. I would assume some near 2" rates in there-although dryslot is racing N. Might need to get a webcam setup as I will be on the road a bit this winter for work.
  4. Agree as well--would enjoy the event(if i was home)but stuff to do--Snow tires sitting in the basement, leaf cleanup not finished, etc, etc. I can't escape the cold even in TX, flew into DFW Monday night and it was around 30F with 20-25 mph winds. Missing both events this week, relying on wife's "eyeballing" and best guess, should be Jspin approved accurate...lol.
  5. Accumulating snow level around 1250ft on the west slopes of greens down here, assume it's lower on east side.
  6. Wonder how often SQWs will be hoisted... https://www.weather.gov/media/aly/PSAs/SnowSqualls.pdf
  7. Winds really intense here on the west slopes of greens, get alot of wind events here, and this right up there with windiest I've seen, just howling almost nonstop. I feel like since it's so windy here, the trees are aclimated to the micro climate and bend 1/3 of the way to the ground and don't uproot. Lots of branches and debris, but there usually aren't a lot of trees down. Got a similar rainbow pic as Mitch earlier..you can see the west slopes of the greens to the right and blue sky's over the center of valley.
  8. Yea, that's just an amazing shot with the azure blue backdrop
  9. Its nice that some of the peaks are getting snow and some northern locations, but I wouldn't mind some mid 50s and sun too. These clouds and 30s/40s every day are getting a bit much. On PFs comment about radiating in the other thread. Seems like every night is cloudy or windy/foggy-I radiate OK here normally, but nothing at all recently, seem to wake every morning to 35F cloudy/windy.
  10. Highest on VT cocorahs was 5.1" in Derby Center at 7am
  11. You do a great job of answering most questions from the posters that don't have 20-30K+ posts. Of course you give some sarcastic ribbing as well, but it doesn't have to be ASATT (All science all the time) I mean I think you answered everyone of 512high's snowplowing questions the last 2 winters in the middle of storm threads..lol
  12. Is it 100% Kentucky Bluegrass, or a mix? If its straight Bluegrass, then germination time normally takes longer than ryegrass or Fescues. I see a decent amount of green fuzz, so that's good. Hope it can fill in and get somewhat established before winter. The winter weenies will not like this, but ideally for your grass you want a ridge in the east for the next month for some warmth to help get the roots growing.
  13. Yea, I don't know. Maybe because there was so much Stratus low clouds/rain in and around peak in this area. Weather was terrible--and visibility low at points. But, I have 2 steep mountain ranges to the east and west I look at every single day, and I was never wowed like in previous years.
  14. I know PF and some others have posted some pretty nice shots of Foliage, but I have to channel my inner DIT. This is my 4th fall here, and this year seemed much less vibrant compared to the other three. 2015-17 all looked equally great to me--I couldn't distinguish one year being better than the other. This year I just didn't notice the widespread Reds like previous years, of course there were some pockets and good areas, but I don't remember seeing so many yellows and browns in the previous 3 years like this year. I even looked backed at some photos on a micro scale at some Maples in my yard, a few of the Reds went more brownish/yellow/red than just straight red like previous years. I'm specifically talking about the East Slopes of the Taconics and West Slopes of the Greens here in SVT and valley areas.
  15. The next week of weather is pretty terrible for establishing new grass. A frost won't necessarily kill new young grass shoots, it's not like a frost freezes the soil. But these cold mornings and days make the soil temp drop more rapidly and tougher for good root establishment.
  16. Might get my first T of snow tonight before my first frost, haven't had a frost yet this season..which is pretty late in the season not to, probably in the 90th+ percentile chance of already happening. We'll see what if any SN/Graupel makes its down to lower elevations.
  17. Looks good, but most lawns look really green mid Oct I would think, I don't consider mid Oct very late in the season lawn wise, even with a non torch fall. Now, 2015 I consider this late --this was Xmas morning in VT, we pray that never happens again..ha
  18. Was out earlier this AM-mostly rain here up to about 2400ft, then some really light snow at that elevation, no accumulation that I can see, but VIS is really low above that level.
  19. Judging by what I can see through the low clouds/mist, looks like a good amount of reds popping down here. Looking at forecast Sat-Monday for Columbus day weekend, should be a leaf peeper bonanza with weather looking nice and color should be really getting closer to peak or at least really good color by then.
  20. Highest in CT is 29.32" on cocorahs since 7/1. Obviously there could be areas above that are not covered by spotters, but FWIW. Edit: to add on the other states(cocorahs only): MA: 31.88" Plainfield RI: 20.09" Harrisville VT: 27.02" Wilmington NH: 25.84" Mason ME: 17.80" Parsonsfield
  21. You can find spots in CNE that average 60-65" per year, but also areas that average 130-150", so you could find your non overkill snow spot. Don't think you can avoid the cold though, it doesn't discriminate as much.(Maybe Coastal NH) I've hit at least -20F every year since moving here(S VT) 5 years ago. Here is a pic from one of our NE posters in SVT last March....this might be considered overkill...lol As someone who moved from Chester County to VT, I can concur on those accounts. Love the weather and lifestyle here- summers are awesome(except this one which was even humid and warm here) Jobs are tough here in SVT ( I work remotely) But S NH has more opportunities with Concord and Manchester and somewhat closer commute to Boston.
  22. Missed this post. Not sure if you did reseed, but I would see if it comes back with the cooler weather. Still bad?
  23. Going to miss your drone shots for sure. Good luck down there.
  24. Agree, should get some lime down with ph that low. I don't think there is an issue with doing seed at the same time if that's what you want to do. Even the best grass seed cultivars wont reach their full potential if the soil isn't adequate, so getting the soil optimum is definitely important in getting the the grass to thrive.
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