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Posts posted by dailylurker

  1. 1 hour ago, Chris78 said:

    Different world in the Catoctins on days like this.

    A few mixed in flakes when I left Smithsburg.

    All snow in the catoctins with snow laying on everything with slush on the roads.

    Probably closing in on an inch up there.

    Get to Thurmont and it's just rain with a  few mangled wet flakes mixed in.

    Headed over to the Catoctins right now to check it out. I'll report back.

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  2. 1 hour ago, CAPE said:

    Yeah Mount Manchester will have orographically enhanced continuous deathbands with a temp of 32.5, while the surrounding areas will be 34.7 with snow tv and light mulch coverings when it comes down harder.

    That's actually how it works too. That's how it is where I live now. I live at one of the highest points on the southern part of the ridge. That ice storm a couple weeks ago was crazy. Trees and branches down at our place at 938' and down the hill a mile it is much less and always 2-3 degrees warmer. It's weird compared to what I'm use to at swamp lol

  3. 3 hours ago, CAPE said:

    First day of Met Spring, but yes it can still snow. I am kinda over it, but I wont complain if we get something like March 2018. Otherwise January was 'the month' of winter, as it should be, and it delivered at least for eastern areas. I will reserve an overall grade for another couple weeks, but December gets a D and January a solid A. Each winter month has to be weighted, and December is more of a Fall month in these parts and usually does not produce significant snowfall. February is easily an F, with less than an inch of frozen here, after nearly 20" in January.

    I give my first winter in Carroll County an F lol. Pretty lame with maybe 10" for the season. Yes winter isn't over N&W but who cares about snow that melts the same day. Give me cold and wintery or bring on spring.

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