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The historic December 4th-5th 2002 ice storm


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2.5" of snow, 1" of sleet, 0.5" of freezing rain, power out of a week (but we had a generator)......


Frankly, it's the most memorable storm I've ever experienced aside from the Carolina Crusher in January 2000.  It was amazing on quite a few fronts, from the cold surface temperatures to the plentiful mixture of precipitation types.  In addition, the power being out for a week was quite memorable!


The roads turned into hard-packed ice during and after the storm with the snow, sleet, and freezing rain pretty much turning them into a skating rink for awhile.  It was the best sledding weather you could pretty much ever ask for, too.


There was also major tree damage here (though not quite as bad as places further to the south that saw less SN/IP and as much (or more) than 1" of ZR!).

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I might not have met my wife if it were not for this storm. I was living in Raleigh at the time, went to bed thinking it was just supposed to rain, and woke up the next morning with no power. Went outside and a tree branch had fallen on the hood of my car that I only had a month. So, I went to stay with my folks in Durham since I had no power. That Sunday I was on the way to my part time job at Crabtree Valley Mall in Raleigh that I had for some extra cash. Well, I decided to stop at Subway on the way for some lunch, which I probably would not have done if I was at home with power. so, I am in Subway when I notice this girl, and she caught my eye. I didn't have the guts to talk to her then, though. Well, a week later the same girl ends up being in the store I was working at part time at the mall. Since I saw her at Subway a week earlier, I then had an excuse to talk to her. Got her number and the rest is history.

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I might not have met my wife if it were not for this storm. I was living in Raleigh at the time, went to bed thinking it was just supposed to rain, and woke up the next morning with no power. Went outside and a tree branch had fallen on the hood of my car that I only had a month. So, I went to stay with my folks in Durham since I had no power. That Sunday I was on the way to my part time job at Crabtree Valley Mall in Raleigh that I had for some extra cash. Well, I decided to stop at Subway on the way for some lunch, which I probably would not have done if I was at home with power. so, I am in Subway when I notice this girl, and she caught my eye. I didn't have the guts to talk to her then, though. Well, a week later the same girl ends up being in the store I was working at part time at the mall. Since I saw her at Subway a week earlier, I then had an excuse to talk to her. Got her number and the rest is history.


I like reading this story every year.

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I was in the 3rd grade at the time and remember getting a decent coating of snow before it turned to sleet and then ZR. Wish I had been older; on the other hand, the power being out wasn't my problem and it was fun.


A friend of mine was over at my house (he rode back from school with me because it let out early) and his mom tried to pick him up in a 2WD truck. He stayed with us for a day until he could get home, and he lived less than half a mile away. There were power lines across the only street leading to the gravel road I lived on in both directions so we were pretty much stuck.

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I remember hearing the pine trees snapping all night long. Wondering if one of the many around my house was going to break off and hit the house. Had a branch snap off a massive pine that is as big around as a normal pine tree. It barely nicked my house and landed on the driveway with a loud bang. I jumped and ran across the house cause I thought for sure it was coming down. Thankfully nothing fell on the house and my car was parked on the street and not the driveway. Didn't have power for close to a week.


I got rid of all the pine trees close to the house after that and trimmed the branches up on the massive one cause it would be ridiculously expensive to try and get rid of it.


Hope to never have another ice storm like that again.

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