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Everything posted by tim123

  1. Yes. It is. I find if you you get under intense banding though it does work out.
  2. It will be very shallow stuff. But very effective in accumulating. It will add up over time. Light to moderate snow over a few days.
  3. Seen this time and again with buffalo. They almost always never recognize this pattern for lake snow. I guess its just buffalo being buffalo.
  4. Thats the type of snow thats 25 to 1. Models have a very hard time with this type of set up.
  5. Also think north Carolina is getting a 3 to 6 inch snowstorm tonight.
  6. On a side note should pretty much snow non stop for 4 days south se of lakes. Will pile up just not a big dump all at once.
  7. Bet ya it goes into ne Ohio. Not into Kentucky like euro shows
  8. Dave your correct if I don't get 2 feet its wonky. But climo and pattern recognition suggest what euro has been showing is odd.
  9. Euro did have kinda what icon has a couple days ago.
  10. This will be a great test for model verification. Let's do a in-house study of gfs icon cmc and euro.
  11. Shows 3 inches of precip but only 15 inches of snow.
  12. What i don't get is why does the snow output on icon is always so low. It always has a ratio of 5 to 1
  13. Actually considered a better model than euro in europe cause of its higher resolution.
  14. The evolution on euro just looks goofy. But big improvement on where it was last night. Interested in eps.
  15. I seen that wanna see 13km with ratios. I didnt even know there was a higher resolution of that model.
  16. Snowlover can you post map from icon just for fun.
  17. A great track would be having primarily farther north than what euro shows. Like what icon has.
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