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Everything posted by KPITSnow

  1. Don’t ask innocent. I can go back through threads and find post after post of you taking shots at me.
  2. And maybe if these three, who a few are probably Pittsburghrants, would lay off I’d back down. The reason I’m so hyper sensitive to this is because multiple periods I’ve been on this board I’ve literally had someone making multiple accounts to harass me.
  3. Lol. Slander. Settle down. Maybe I wouldn’t lash out if you and others didn’t jump on EVERY SINGLE POST I make. That’s it.
  4. I wonder why dude. You’ve been absolutely relentless to me for years. Anything I post anything that is not all roses you have to comment and complain, and what is more annoying is that you are a hypocrite that complains as well then complain about negativity. just back off. You don’t have to take constant passive aggressive pot shots.
  5. Ok rants as I said, seek help. You’ve needed it for years
  6. I’m not on that discord. It’s you and your little band of friends that are posting off here laughing at me. You, Tim, and rd, though I would assume those are all your alt accounts Seek help dude.
  7. Me creepy? You’re the one who is on a discord posting screenshots of me on here.
  8. Ok. Thanks for your advice. I’m so sick of all of you whining about every post I make.
  9. I missed out on the band other than a half hour of heavy snow. Probably got about 2.5 inches. Fairly dissapointing that this was our “big” storm.
  10. You guys will not get off my nuts, at all. Evrry post is “I’m so tired of the negativity” but when that troll @Rd9108 has a total meltdown then complains about negativity it’s ok and you focus on me. stop being a damn troll.
  11. Dude, you guys are OBSESSED with me. I am not shocked at all you are having a circle jerk somewhere else about me.
  12. Do you have a link by chance. They have been doing it for years and I am tired of it.
  13. That’s because you stalk me, take side jabs at me, whine about me complaining when you whine and complain more than anyone.
  14. @Ahoff @Rd9108 @TimB leave me the hell alone. Stop bitching about me being negative. Just shut up in general. all of your obsessions and frankly stalking me as weird as hell.
  15. What is your problem. What is all of your problem. You are all pieces of work. How many accounts do you have to stalk and troll me?
  16. 30 posts since 2010? We have had issues with trolling posters with multiple accounts, and I think we are seeing it again.
  17. Because it looks like another let down of event. We do those great here
  18. And these one stink because they wreck the commute to work and aren’t enough to justify not going in.
  19. Glad we built up this period for two weeks to get a three inch storm Tuesday and probably two inches today. this one today is failing miserably
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