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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. I would say 00z tonight for anything more than an inch or so
  2. Yeah, figured. Too bad…. This is probably it for a few weeks anyway
  3. As Kevin mentioned… Uber light snow isn’t going to do much for accumulation with marginal temps… we really need the meat that’s offshore to somehow find it’s way over the area
  4. I would say 12z is the last shot before this thing gets punted too the moon.
  5. Icon looks slightly worse than 18z, somehow that’s possible
  6. I truthfully wonder what speed you have to be going to get pulled over by Mass troopers sometimes. Myself, and many others, routinely pass them on the highway doing 85-90mph and I’ve never seen one pull anyone over.
  7. Another slide SE on the gfs… which is probably why nobody posted about it
  8. Euro is basically flurries for Marthas Vineyard…. Congrats to them.
  9. They felt it would bump north like 2 days ago… that’s a long time ago. I’m not fickle… I change based on modeling. Maybe we score a couple inches… but there is a lot of time left for this to slip into nothing… as is, really only 1 model is showing accumulation
  10. Will had pretty much bailed too. You know it’s time to fold em when the big players exit stage right
  11. As ray likes to say… reconciling a previously robust solution with a miss
  12. What a horrific performance by the gfs. I’m sure it’ll nail the next cutter at day 7, though
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