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Everything posted by natedizel

  1. Ya but if you live alone in the woods a bear might eat you haha.
  2. Has that dropped since spider tac gate?
  3. We all have different political views here in everything. Right or left i love you guys. Whens the next snowstorm?
  4. Tattling on neighbors lol. I had to google it and they are called corona-snitches. The article is from 2020 but found it good reading. https://www.politico.eu/article/coronavirus-lockdown-snitches-thrive-in-europe-reports-watchmen-spying-neighbors/
  5. Ya they will. But are they doing it cause only 5% are vaxxed or because theres some cases? I thibk its like you said. A government failure
  6. Ya thank god. And if it does shit better stay open.
  7. I get people are worried about family. I have a family to, but some point its ok. Covids with us forever and we have to move on with our lives
  8. How long are you willing to edure lockdowns? And no not really. You can be walking on the sidewalk and get hit by a car.
  9. Less than 5% vaccinated.. Government officials either like the control of lockdowns or scared to go out and do their job.
  10. Covid is never going away. Hate to be a downer but its never gonna be rainbow and butterflies again. Its just another way you can die getting out of bed in the morning
  11. Couple of weeks then another couple of weeks. Then a month then another month. 2021 then 2022. Hey whats another year
  12. Whats the point of living 1/3 of life. I rather not live at all. I would feel like an animal stuck in a cage
  13. If i was him i would be embarrassed. I would never admit that. Hes like desperate and wants people to feel sorry for him. He gonna need to go back down to minors and learn to use the seams lol
  14. Might as well wear a mask and gloves while doing all that along with keeping 10 antivirus applications running. I think Fauci gonna say Norton can protect you against covid?
  15. What you mean? Its already happening
  16. Covids here to stay.... Probably forever. The horses are out the barn. Australia doing lock downs for 10 cases. They gonna have 10 cases for the next 100 yeara. Dont wanna get sick then lock yourself in a closet
  17. Ya thats my wife for sure. I got vaccinated and tried to convince her. She said unless i need it to fly im allset. Its her choice. Im not asking again
  18. Ya i thought the same when i first seen it.
  19. How are they doing with the vaccine availability and rate?
  20. My butt slipped off the front the seat and my crotch went down onto the frame. Think i did that a few times but everything works alright.
  21. Thats cool. Always thought about getting into the brew business. My family loves that beer. To be honest i was never a fan.
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