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Posts posted by HIPPYVALLEY

  1. 1 hour ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

    It took you 4 months and 825 posts to be half right. Typical summer weather incoming.

    Plus only a few weeks of normal to above summer heat before a bit of pattern regression.  

  2. 3 hours ago, Ginx snewx said:

    I contacted Lyme in 1994, it was virtually unknown. I was afflicted by the Babesiosis strain spending 3 days in the fetal position unable to move with a fever of 105. Seriously thought it was over. 2 teenage kids died while I was in South County hospital from the same. I again contacted regular Lyme the next year unknown to me, I thought I had the flu. It passed and I went on with my life. The next summer I developed joint pain so bad I sought help. Luckily for me one of the first Drs to correctly diagnose Lyme treated me. He immediately put me on Doxcycline with a port for regular treatments for 90 days. Gradually I got better but never fully recovered from the arthritis.  Never forget at the time Drs were ostracized by CDC and the medical community for diagnosing Lyme. The govt developed Lyme as a biological weapon at their Fishers Island Plum Island secret animal disease test facility.  The first cases were detected directly across from Plum Island in Lyme Ct. One of the greatest undercover secrets. 


  3. 41 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

    This has been the great ass-pack spring/early summer of all time for eastern New England.

    Yeah...tomorrow and Sunday in particular will put all this in memory but today is basically a microcosm of the whole last 75 days. everywhere east of the Berks and Whites is indundated... west of there... lots of sun.  

    I have lettuce plants that literally look the same as they did 2 weeks ago in terms of growth. 

  4. 3 hours ago, HoarfrostHubb said:

    Yeah. The end part of June has been sort of advertising itself as the first real heat look for a bit.  Could be toasty      

    Doesn't matter, it's 56F in mid-Jun, summer's back is already broken even if we torch for a stretch.

    I feel like this summer has been that lawn mower that takes 30 minutes of dickering before you get it started. 

    • Haha 1
  5. Interesting pattern, no prolonged big heat but definitely summer heat and dews at times interspersed with some BN temps.  Just wish we could get a 5 day stretch with no rain to kind of hit the climate reset button.

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