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Everything posted by HIPPYVALLEY

  1. You’ll be warmer than 70’s. I could see downtowns of Gardner and Leominster tickling 90.
  2. Thursday onward Box has 5 straight days aoa 90° here, that’s legit heat wave. If it verifies.
  3. 90’s seem inevitable out here so I’ll just embrace it and prolly install this week.
  4. Deep interior should get at least 2 or 3 days aoa 90 end of the week. We take, as long as humidity is low.
  5. They are both nightshades and definitely prefer it warm. My tomatoes in buckets are doing well, in the ground ones not as much. Long range still looks dry.
  6. Low of 50F this morning. Pretty cool for mid-June. Pepper and tomato plants would like it a bit warmer. 60/50 atm.
  7. Yeah it looks like a back and forth pattern. It does look dry though. Water restrictions coming in the next week or two I bet.
  8. Got down to 41 at my house this morning. Had to close the windows last night.
  9. 47/37 now. Tomorrow morning will be my coldest reading until late August or early September I bet.
  10. 49/37. Chilly for June. Pattern looks dry. I'm going to make a soaker out of an old 75' garden hose tomorrow. Fruit trees want water.
  11. Finally getting some soaking rain showers. Already .10” this morning. The strawberry farm down the street from me will be happy.
  12. You can pre-arrange portage/shuttle service.
  13. Maybe the lower valley had a bigger push of humidity. I hit a DP of 62 but 72/58 and comfy now.
  14. I of course put this in the SNE thread but please feel free to respond or better yet message me. I am trying to keep him fully updated to any whether he should be aware of. ”OK group weather mind, I have a very dear friend, solo paddling the Connecticut River from end to end and he will be coming through Northern New England this week. I would greatly appreciate any local weather updates as far as storms go. Post here or by all means message me. Thanks!”
  15. Oh’ I don’t doubt you, I’m just surprised at the differential.
  16. OK group weather mind, I have a very dear friend, solo paddling the Connecticut River from end to end and he will be coming through Northern New England this week. I would greatly appreciate any local weather updates as far as storms go. Post here or by all means message me. Thanks!
  17. Wait, what? My DP hit 62 in Greenfield and I’m pretty much in “the valley”.
  18. 55F for the low. 59/49 now with full overcast.
  19. How did that stuff stay in the air for 10 hours? That doesn't sound right, they must've been continually releasing it.
  20. Is that Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg? Otherwise known as Webster Lake.
  21. Nothing wrong with spending lots of time and money growing a useless crop that you need to constantly maintain and then dispose of the harvest.
  22. Actually more like 1.4” inches since May 1. A little bit of that was snow!
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