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Posts posted by wkd

  1. 5 minutes ago, Whitecheddar said:

    I rarely chime in but feel like I need to get this one off my chest.. this is to the few barking that models suck.. blah blah blah

    U might need to look at urself for a moment. You saw one model with a 0z output of 932 (exaggerating) snowicaine bombogenesis cyclone off the coast at 7 days out.  You canceled ur weekend plans went out and bought salt and raided the grocery store for milk and bread because you set ur expectation at 20 inches.

    The fail was on you.. I won't throw names on hear but they have said it time and time again.. the point of these models and all the data is to look for trends look at what's going right for your area and whats going wrong for your area. And then you make a logical decision of what your weather might be like that many days out.  

    Did anyone see nws or weather Channel or any weather app put snow in the forecast 7 days away 90% chance 8-10 accumulation? No.. why?? Cause the people that know what they are doing know that setting your expectation at 20 inches 7 days out would get you a first class ticket to the unemployment line. 

    If your feelings are truly hurt right now then your doing this hobby all wrong. Models don't suck, (Let's keep the NAM out of this lol) its the people that don't know how to read the data correctly that suck.

    And on a side note im talking about a good majority of posters on here.. we all have fun and love to see the bombs 7 days out but we live in reality where.. well a whole hell of a lot can change in 7 days.

    You're not saying anything that everyone in here doesn't already know. Hope it made you feel better though.

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  2. 1 hour ago, The Iceman said:

    Much better WAA thump before the changeover to sleet even down to 95. Great improvement!

    I live in the Three Bridges area about 5 miles northeast of Flemington. I'm guessing maybe 10 miles northwest of you. As modeled so far we are both right on the line for heavy snow. I'm looking forwad to your obs during the storm. Good luck?

  3. 40 minutes ago, Wentzadelphia said:

    Overdone. It’s gonna be sleet with a lp sitting there in Philly. Let’s make a bet. Haha btw I might go to Jim Thorpe like you said

    I saw you post in the NE forum during their last storm that you like it when the heavy snow comes at night. I'm just the opposite. My joy is watching it fall during the day. I wouldn't mind if it all melted by the following morning. I'm getting too old to clear snow.

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