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Cold Miser

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Posts posted by Cold Miser

  1. @The 4 Seasons

    This was taken at around 2:00, after the brunt of the snow was finished.  5+ inches reduced to a few inches of wet, nasty slop.  Utterly useless, and terrible.  Winter sucks.  My spot is like living in the mid-Atlantic.  Besides some random Connecticut island in the Long Island sound this area is the worst snow spot in the state, and probably all of new England. 




    • Haha 3
  2. 5 minutes ago, jbenedet said:

    Rural CT only snowstorms are the worst. All the villageidiots posting snow pics like their backyard is happening everywhere.


    Pretty sure there's a local brainworm problem in "drive thru" country of New England. 

    Post some snow pics from today in the bustling mecca of Dover, and change the narrative (I'm guessing that you can't, but give it the good ole red tagger try).   

    Only you can make change happen!

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  3. 23 minutes ago, TheSnowman said:

    Dude, do you realize I got 15" last year, and at 12" this year, Have Averaged only 32" in the past 6 Seasons AFTER averaging 71" for the previous 24 Years?  And Most of the big storms that occurred in those last 6 years, I Missed Traveling.  So speak for yourself.  I haven't seen more than 4" on the Ground During a storm in so long I can't remember.  

    lol.  My 11" from last season laughs at your 15", and my 8" this season chuckles at your so called 12" of futility. 

  4. Meanwhile in the Adirondacks...

    This guy is an avid snowmobiler and lives on the eastern edge of Tug Hill in the Adirondacks.  He lives and breaths riding, and normally puts out in-depth trail reports.

    Friday, February 9th
    I haven't been posting much and I really don't think I have to spell out why. The truth is I haven't been riding enough to give you a fair and first-hand trail report, not because I don't want to, but because it just hasn't looked like much fun.
    I've seen some bad winters and this one has been by far the worst. Doesn't matter what forecast you look at, 7-day, 10-day, 14-day, WeatherUnderground, TWC, FoxWeather, iPhone weather app - there is no snow in the forecast that will turn this around for the masses before the President's Week.
    Yesterday it was 48 degrees and sunny, today the low is 38F and the high 46F, tomorrow there's rain in the forecast with a high of 44F, we don't see freezing temps until Sunday and then it looks like it will stay cold through the next weekend, but no snow. There's hardly any frost in the ground and after this weekend I honestly believe any exposed ground will be thawed to the point even a dump of 6 inches wouldn't help.
    I wish I could paint a better picture. This season is pretty much done - there I said it. (I pray I'm wrong)

    Mailing it in on Feb 9th.

    • Haha 3
  5. 4 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

    What really sucks about this too is, if these discrepancies remain over the next few days there isn't a heck of a lot we can do. It's not like the error is resulting from sampling or lack of sampling. It looks like its just a result of how quickly the southern stream reaches maturity and exactly how strong the jet streak gets as it rounds the base of the trough and when this starts to occur. There are so many factors which can play into this that we may not know for sure until real-time Monday morning. 

    ...The more important question to you is, when did you cheat on Miley Cyrus with Taylor Swift?  

  6. 22 minutes ago, mahk_webstah said:

    If you going to waste one of your 5 posts, why not use it for something additive?  We already know odds are low for anything before Feb 12.  What do you think is going happen mid-month?  And how long do you think it will last?  Is the another "No Changes" or is it "No. Changes."  Think of a continuum, with "total troll" at one end, and "contribution of value" at the other end.  Where is this post along the continuum?  And how might we shift more towards the "value" end of our continuum?

    lol. It's like getting hold of a genie in a bottle and wishing for a bowl of chicken soup.  

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