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Everything posted by Sugarloaf1989

  1. Hopefully the daily rainfall comes to an end. I'd take a few days of sunshine.
  2. On/off rain showers all day, nothing heavy yet. 0.36" so far. Looks like the potential is there for heavy rain overnight.
  3. Nice slug of rain moving North near ACY, pulling for the folks who need rain.
  4. 0.12" here this morning with a brief downpour. NWS calling for another 2" in the next 36 hours. No mas, wish I could spread it out.
  5. Just had a downpour move through sandwiched between sunshine. 0.07" from that rainfall..
  6. I just don't understand you're not believing my rainfall totals? What's the problem?
  7. Unless Enfield moved overnight, its a mix of tropical downpours and a limited amount of sunshine. 1.86" here since Sunday morning.
  8. Over exertion from going grocery shopping near mid-day during the height of the heatwave. The high heat/humidity makes it harder to breathe for him. Luckily we have a garage under house type construction which keeps the garage/basement at 66F year round. My dad was able to get out of the car and rest in our basement for a bit to recover.
  9. The highlight for me was my 83 year old Dad struggling to breathe with the high heat/humidity two weeks ago.
  10. I did the Dryway in June of 2009 and it was an interesting experience. For me Bulls Bridge Gorge was much more difficult. Supposedly it's the toughest section of whitewater in SNE. I did that with Clark Outdoors in May of 1996 after a winter with heavy snowfall.
  11. Station down the street from me now at 2.22", so suck it: https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=KCTENFIE16&cm_ven=localwx_pwsdash
  12. Wish I could spread it out. My son and I always go tubing on the Battenkill in Vermont. It's too low to do that since we first went in 2013.
  13. 1.90" with light rain. Close to 7.00" over the last month.
  14. After a break in the rain, it's back to heavy rainfall with 1.20" so far. Flash flood warning here until 5:15. The dangerous drought worsens.
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