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Everything posted by Sugarloaf1989

  1. Snow would be a disaster here with fully foliated trees.
  2. I'm still hopeful for some late season foliage change. The Oaks will put on a color show in about three weeks.
  3. https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2018/10/19/weve-never-seen-anything-like-this-fall-foliage-still-missing-action-across-mid-atlantic/
  4. I have to say, I agree with DIT, this is the worst foliage season I can remember in SNE. I just came back from a drive into Northwestern Connecticut and Southwestern Massachusetts. I drove on CT Route 20, MA Route 8, MA Route 23 and Route 20 back to I-91. I didn't come across any color worth taking a picture of. The two types of fall color where green and brown. The higher elevations of Route 23 are bare around the Otis area. Here in Enfield it's incredibly green for late October, on my block the foliage could pass for August 19th:
  5. The NEK was the best foliage I've seen since 2015, very vibrant colors. The bad part of the foliage season this year was the persistently cloudy conditions at peak foliage in Vermont.
  6. Glad we don't live in the land of sick/diseased and dying trees.
  7. Why argue with someone who contributes nearly 0% each year as far as pictures and reports are concerned.
  8. Worst foliage season ever part.............
  9. Mt Snow making snow on Cascade, Canyon, River Run and Freefall. Not opening this weekend.
  10. It was close to 90F here a little less than a week ago. This combined with high humidity/rainfall and very warm overnight low temperatures delayed the foliage change. It's only been back to normal and below for a short time. I'm hopefully there will be a good end of the foliage season. I'm heading up to Southern Massachusetts on Friday and perhaps the Litchfield Hills. The NEK was outstanding two weeks ago, so it hasn't been a total loss for me.
  11. I wonder when was the last "good' foliage season in Tolland?
  12. Now at 32F. My son just got off work and had to use the ice scraper on the car windshield.
  13. Any Massachusetts residents have good foliage conditions?
  14. Snowmaking has started at Killington. Snow is being made in the glades on Rime and the Superstar headwall.
  15. 47F here and dropping. I wonder if Killington is making snow. It's 27.5F at the summit of Mt Snow and that's roughly the glades elevation. Looks like a short snowmaking window today.
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