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Everything posted by JetsPens87

  1. Not everyone spends literally all day on a forum for a possible event 160 hours away at the beginning of April
  2. Not even a tiny bit correct
  3. Trenton NJ 52.5 March 2012 45.7 March 2024 Normal: 41.7 ZERO comparison
  4. 46 and mist here. March 2012 roars on!
  5. March 2012...now this... You're not having a good streak here
  6. The pattern we are in should put to bed any ridiculous talk of March 2012. This month bears little to no resemblance.
  7. This will help alleviate the drought conditions
  8. So....a chili dog??? I'll see myself out...
  9. Mustard ketchup relish and cheese for me
  10. It either phases or it acts as a kicker. Really no in between IMO. I'm not leaning one way or the other yet.
  11. It's the LP in SE Canada. Thats really not ideal.
  12. I meant the Euro has been all fantasy. But in any event, I also believe any snow at this point along 95 should be regarded with high skepticism.
  13. I haven't seen the Euro AIFS be remotely correct yet. It's all fantasy.
  14. Lol okay. It's just funny at this point
  15. Don't forget the Tony classic of not a single rain ob in the entirety of the states of NH/VT when the whole southern portion of NH was raining.
  16. Yea this is not correct
  17. Maybe it was just big rain drops? Those were some very impressive radar returns...
  18. There's no snow mixing in with the current soundings. 850s and 925s are all at least plus 5 or greater
  19. I'm not seeing it. Any obs? 850s and 925 are torched. I can't see how there would be snow there. Even mixing in.
  20. Thanks I'll take a look.
  21. I'd venture quite a few of those years had either N or BN precipitation and the lack of snow may have been more a function of that. It's more evident that the recent snow drought is a function of well AN temperatures. I don't have the data to back this so it's just speculation but it's clear that the scorched earth is a huge implication in recent history.
  22. As it's 70 plus degrees today
  23. The update we've all been waiting for...
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