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Posts posted by AfewUniversesBelowNormal

  1. Most powerful storm of my lifetime happened last year and I actually got struck by lightning. 20-50 branches of real lightning was striking every 1-2 seconds. Multiple pulses, dark swirling clouds, all. :) Besides that, the climate for severe weather has really changed in this area since the early 2000s. For example, it's almost May and there hasn't been a storm and it really hasn't been close. It has been a cold pattern but where are the cumulus clouds? In the 1990s it was also much different. 

  2. I remember someone said the Kelvin wave during La Nina as strong as preceded rises to at least +Neutral even though the net effect was a cooler, more La Nina-like subsurface. And a monster -PNA for a few weeks. I thought this was interesting because it verified, the subsurface warming in the east is movement from that Kelvin Wave. It happened before the La Nina peaked is my point. 

  3. There is a pretty good signal of negative North Atlantic Tripole right now. Historically, the Spring is a great time to correlate Atlantic SSTs with hurricane season activity. 1969,1995, 1998, 2005, 2010 were the highest +NTA Spring's and the average #storms for these years is about 20. El Nino also looks like a sure things, so I'd go over/under on number named storms 12. 

  4. Subsurface trends early 2018 has 7 analogs.. 3 went El Nino, 4 were Neutral. The way it's going, I would guess Weak or low end Moderate El Nino as a max, about the same % chance for Neutral, and slight chance we go back to Weak Nina in the Fall.

    Hurricane season is probably active with a lot of US misses.

  5. 21 hours ago, Harry Perry said:

    Blocking.... anyone? Plenty to go around. :rolleyes:


    Theres one of two things that will probably happen when and if this pattern breaks - and one would highly favor the sub. Either this blocking stays put and we carry on through a very chilly spring/early summer (near record breaking if all stays put... yuck)... OR we get a pattern change and we will make a sudden change from 30’s and 40’s, to 70’s and 80’s within a weeks time. The good about that is the amount of cold air that will still be to the north - thus a very good severe weather season. 


    Hard to say what will happen though. With any luck blocking will stay in place and it’ll be in the 50’s for Memorial Day. 

    Definitely warm when breaks

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