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Everything posted by NoVaWx

  1. Hangover started as it changed to rain.
  2. Just like that fatties mixing in snowing again!
  3. Raining now maybe some freezing but that pretty much does it for this event I guess at least here. Edit: was a couple miles east towards sterling but in ashburn back at the house there’s still pingers lol. Precip still has a whiteish look to it trying to be snow.
  4. Sleet line looks to be backbuilding on cc.
  5. 3.5” of snow and sleeting we’ll see how much the sleet will add to it.
  6. Looks to be all sleet now just like early this morning.
  7. If this is the sleet line it looks to be in a hurry. Starting to hear pings as it’s right on my doorstep. Or maybe the wind picked up and is hitting the snow against the window.
  8. Yup flakes just got huge coming down great. Thankfully still not a sleet pellet in sight.
  9. Chantilly looks to be getting crushed now and it’s headed straight here this is about to get good.
  10. Not only is it coming down heavy but those echoes near manassas coming this way look much heavier. This is gonna pile up fast.
  11. It’s coming down hard and steady legit snowstorm I didn’t expect this. Somewhere deep down I’m wishcasting a foot.
  12. 100% snow now with huge flakes no sleet in sight!
  13. Measured somewhere between 2” and 2.5” depending on the spot.
  14. Still snowing nicely with 1.5” and drifts to 3.5” lol. Hopefully it stays frozen throughout and we get a nice surprise. Even a sleet storm would be good.
  15. I’m probably the only one on here that loves freezing rain. Small amounts are boring cuz only colder surfaces ice up but I would love a huge ice storm with 4” of ice accretion.
  16. Also wondering I’m thinking improve since 3” is in the city. Interested to see what iad is at now.
  17. Nice now you have me waiting for that precip to get here.
  18. Move in to a homeless shelter in DC or better yet Boston???
  19. Dc has a higher avg rainfall than Seattle btw.
  20. If only it were that easy. I would never think to complain about the lack of snow is an understatement.
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