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Everything posted by Hitman

  1. 37f and precipitation just commenced. Exceedingly light snow. btw-hope you’re right about the jackpot.
  2. Steady as she blows. 30f here and beautiful. my p&c is 4-8”, and the nws map looks like 6-8”. I’ll sign for that.
  3. It’s funny because today was a very spring like snow. By 9 am the roads were just wet and everything was melting. In early afternoon they were dry in spots. This upcoming event should have more of mid wintery feel afterwards.
  4. 3.5”. 31f and snowing moderately with small flakes.
  5. 3/9 is beyond my horizon and I'll by up in the mrv for that.
  6. yeah, yeah, yeah but thats just the appetizer. the main course is sunday night.
  7. I am officially excited. Not only is there a reasonable chance of snow, but said snow will get me out of a visit to the in laws in the berkshires on sunday. win-win.
  8. They probably have days to kill and it’s friday. 1” here in croton. Broom worthy. Hoping to need an actual shovel this weekend.
  9. Solid inch here. We build. Looks beautiful.
  10. Surprised at how little blowdown there is around here. not ready for spring yet. Holding out hope.
  11. 40f and drizzle. Lovely. Good for the no more snow crowd.
  12. Surprised at the extent of ice on my lake. Still at least 85% covered. Only open water is where the Brook runs into it. As bad as this winter has been to date in terms of snowfall, it hasn’t been a total torch. I’ve been here almost 20 years and it’s not uncommon for the lake to barely freeze up at all. im rooting for cold n snow until at least April. And I’m a baseball fan. I watch often although nowadays it’s with an iPad on my lap reading/ watching other stuff with the game in th background.
  13. +1 The only time I want my team to lose is for draft pick positioning. Since I'm not aware of any draft for next winter, I'm rooting for snow.
  14. At least it looks like winter. Savor it while you can.
  15. Solid inch down here. Let’s call it a win. Got the big broom out and swept the snow off the walkway.
  16. Never, but I am temporarily satisfied. Still disappointed to awake to the thin coating we got here.
  17. Glad to come home to see some snow partial snow cover, as well the lake still partly covered in ice. A shot from bc. Good snow out there.
  18. Are you looking for bald eagles? my wife and I kayak/paddle board on the croton river and this past summer there were some flying around there. To my untrained eye, there was an adult and two young ones which appeared to mature as the summer progressed.
  19. Good luck fellas. I’m out in bc for the week so this storm should crank.
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