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Posts posted by Quixotic1

  1. 6 hours ago, yoda said:

    Trying to.  Been on hold with the IRS for the past hour.  I paid my taxes late (it was like $200 -- I hadn't gotten one of my stimulus payments when I did my taxes way back in February when you could first start doing them, and I got a refund of like 300 dollars... 2 months later and the IRS was like nope, nice try, here's what you really owe -- I had finally gotten my last stimulus check by then.)  Anyway, I forgot to pay... so I did last month online and took screenshots and all.  Got a letter today saying I hadn't paid yet and I owed money still.  I am like hol' up no sir... so waiting with all my info to talk to an actual person.

    We can't even get them on the phone.   Turns out we made an error in 2017 and they've been taking it out of my wife's check.  No notice or anything.  People notice when they're missing 2k on a check or ten. 

  2. 1 hour ago, PhineasC said:

    Also a good way to get a totalitarian police state that conducts medical experiments on hapless citizens. 

    Let’s be honest: if we lose a few of these nimrods we’ll all be better off.  

  3. On 7/15/2021 at 11:19 AM, H2O said:

    Speaking of retirement.  Tomorrow is my last day.  Then 

    Freedom Im Free GIF - Freedom Free ImFree - Discover & Share GIFs

    Congrats!  Make sure you invite a certain diabetic nimrod from Michigan to the party.

    seriously congrats. I am big time Jelly. I have about another 8 years at least.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Typhoon Tip said:

    So now there is this counter--push to disavow the Wuhan Lab/ ... covert bio-toxic weapons program leading to an industrial accidental release scenario -


    And round and around we go.

    Or you know, the sensible one where they were studying the virus and it got out.  

    • Haha 1
  5. 36 minutes ago, tamarack said:

    Being pedantic, I think it's tinker's dam, otherwise worthless material placed to keep the solder from running off before it hardens.

    You are correct.  It is Tinker's Dam.  An Irish saying related to a Tinker scam. 

  6. 21 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

    I sense an gray area fomenting slowly in interpretation wrt to human rights/constitution, when it comes to private vs public access and this mask imposition.

    There are many private establishments that are requiring masks around this borderline rural township area of Littleton to Ayer Mass, while the public thoroughfares of centroid demographics and/or larger market venues in general, are not. 

    I walked headlong in blithe into a Hunter Appliance store as recent as last week and was knee-jerk excoriated, "Sir sir ... SIR!"  Oh my god oh my god oh my god... by two masked-impugn-ammo wielding gun load germaphobes ... toeing the line for their "..Boss's insistence..." as the guy espoused.  Jesus, calm the f* down. I mean I was the only potential client in the place, and judging by the pall of soothing factory smells hanging in the stuffy air, probably the first one in days I'm guessing and I got that reaction? 

    They sat with headsets, imprisoned inside a plexiglass enclosure that was riveted - actual rivets at the seams - together to form a cubical. This sucker looked hermetically sealed at a glance, an island out amidst what I must assume was a show room modeling contaminated household appliances.

    I mean, non-confrontation but the whole thing to me is both stupid and questions the 'rights' of individuals vs mask imposition.  

    It does, because part of rights are established by what is right and wrong - and that setting.... IS F*C*I*G WRONG, but an asshole's paranoid stupidity and lording power over his business owership - I guess the best deterrent will be that people stop shopping at his establishment - guaranteed this jaggov will suddenly see through a nimrod's morass of fear,  relaxing posture when money becomes automagically more urgent than a disease - lol. It's all hypocrisy and bullshit. 

    Fine, it's not that big of a deal to me to be inconvenienced for 10 minutes while I pick out a refrigerator.  Your establishment - you set the rules.  But, that doesn't allow you to prevent other ethnicities and races, does it.  Mm. interesting -

    what's the difference. You don't know if that person has a disease, you only have fear and stereotypes.  Well, that's racism incarnate- just because we point it at a new color, the mechanics are the same.  You're making an assumption to justify a exclusionary practices.   

    Eventually, liberals will start screaming about this - prediction.


  7. 15 hours ago, WhitinsvilleWX said:

    Nobody outside of a few give a tinkers damn about Covid anymore. The politicians have largely moved on. They’ve milked it for about all they can in terms of money. Which was the primary motivation to keep it going. The Delta fear hasn’t resonated much. Most who want a vaccine have one, older people are largely vaccinated, and the people who aren’t vaccinated aren’t afraid of it. 
    It’s endemic at this point. It’s time to stop routine testing, reporting cases numbers and move on. Even Massachusetts stopped reporting active cases and weekend numbers. Sone states have gone to weekly reporting. It won’t be long until some stop reporting altogether. Cases will go up this winter, just like flu does. But by and large I think most have moved on. When I was on vacation last week down on the beach, except for a handful I saw masked outdoors, you’d never know Covid existed.  

    Tinkers Damn. 

  8. 13 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

    You mean like 'lort'

    and what is wrong with pointing out a definition exactly ?


    I’m talking about your original missive about a sinner disease.  Please tell me that was tongue in cheek.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 2 hours ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

    That place is a troll incubator.  It’s too bad because I like reading the intelligent posts over there but the crap you have to weed through gets tiresome.  

    Meh.  It’s not bad.  Just have to know who you’re dealing with.  

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