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Everything posted by paweather

  1. The building back on the radar is awesome, the coastal is doing it's job.
  2. Yep Nuke job and then some here with even heavier rates to our south coming in.
  3. Thanks earlier than expected. But your primarily snow right now. It certainly doesn't match the radar as far as mixing.
  4. Thank that nice HIGH to our north....it is winning out at least for now.
  5. I hope not Maryland OBS are still reporting snow and the radar looks good as the mix line at least right now isn't making it north over the PA line. Going South and east.
  6. It is pouring snow here right now. Anyways whatever mixing occurs by 1am it is back to snow. 18z NAM shows extensive mixing more than the HRRR.
  7. Still looks like between 2z and 4z for mixing....heavy rates before it and heavy rates after change back to snow. Per HRRR 20z.
  8. Winter Wonderland here now. 19z backed off a bit on mixing.
  9. if you look at HRRR around 1z is where it is up into the LSV. Hope not to the extent it is showing on this model but between 1z - 3z that is where the risk is. Edit: maybe to 4z and then back to snow.
  10. What I am most concerned about on the HRRR is the mixing it is showing later in the evening, and also a potential dryslot but we will see.
  11. You certainly see it developing down to our south. Maryland OBS are impressive with Heavy snow rates right now.
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