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Everything posted by paweather

  1. It should be interesting after Thursday’s rain.
  2. Agreed. This front is hardly making it to the east all day with a surge of moisture continuing to come up from the south.
  3. That is insane given how low the river has been. The stream of moisture fetch from the gulf up to the East Coast is also insane.
  4. Merry Christmas, Everyone! Let’s hope for a Xmas gift in the word of snow the next couple of weeks.
  5. Yep your exactly right about that! No matter what happens bring on 2021!
  6. Let's hope next week brings a snow bang to 2020.
  7. Yeah, we don't usually do well with post frontal snow even if it is modeled. Lots of rain for sure.
  8. This artic front has been modeled for days since last week, this means business going to bring Christmas in with a bang both a lot of rain and maybe some snow on the backside.
  9. Yeah, Even this 999 Low off the coast doesn't match the precip shield you think it would have and cold air available that is why I posted it.
  10. Just came back from Raystown over the weekend. It was absolutely picturesque with snow cover sitting on top of the mountain and it even snowed yesterday before we left. Now, catching up looks like there is excitement coming up.
  11. Yes, I was thinking about that if it does stay back too much it might get suppressed. And yes I know for sure failing is much easier than winning if your talking about the Cowboys.
  12. There is shot for sure! I want energy to stay back on the artic front.
  13. If nothing else the next week tracking that artic front will be fun. Get your fireplace ready for Christmas.
  14. This is what I referred to. JMA and CMC want to hold back energy on this huge artic front. Maybe?
  15. yeah, who knows so far out. But it does at least show potential for something. That Cold front on XMAS will be the one to watch first, if energy can stay back we might get a XMAS miracle.
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