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Posts posted by tombo82685

  1. 57 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

    I gave up…


    But seriously the 12z euro had a similar thing. Perfect SW pass, sub 540, all rain from what “should” have been a 1-3” snow.  Those things add up and I’m noting them way too frequently. 

    There is always “higher” pressure to our east as a wave approaches. Calling that a high pressure is a stretch and if a very brief 5mph regional south wind (it’s not like it’s a screaming fetch from the gulf) is too much in January with sub 540 thicknesses and a track to our south please explain to me what the right setup is for what used to be a typical small to moderate snow other than the obvious “we need arctic air” which is and always has been an exceptionally rare event. 


    I'm just giving a reason as to why it may be showing it as rain. To elaborate on it, the airmass to me prior to the system is pretty crappy. Heck, january afternoon and it's above freezing all the way to the Canadian border.  Aloft it's cold enough but due to a meh airmass, southerly flow at the surface it's just enough to be rain. I bet though, if precip rates were heavier it may be a different story. 

  2. 16 hours ago, CoolMikeWx said:

    I'm wondering if we can bring this thread back this season as it was a ton of fun last season between the Buff /cuse / ADK / Albany people. And then a couple of us down starters and maybe a PA or two.. who love upstate weather.

    If not, delete my post.


    Sent from my SM-S908U using Tapatalk

    go for it, but everyone vacated to Buffaloweather discord chat group

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, WxUSAF said:

    1030mb high in the lakes, weak sauce low passing to our south in mid January, 534dm heights, precip falling at night…and rain. Hoffman making notes.



    You have a high pressure sitting off the se coast bringing in southerly winds at the surface which is where you are getting the BL warmth for rain 



    • Like 5
  4. 16 hours ago, Voyager said:

    Nice that you got to move where you wanted. Snow was a big player I suppose, but at least your wife (if you're married) was willing to go with you.

    I had to move to Arizona to be my mom's caregiver, and I had to do it solo. My wife did not (and will not) move out here to be with me or help out.

    Sad really...

    Sorry to hear that man. If I was in your shoes I would of done the same thing. Family> everything else. To answer your question, not married or anything so the move was easy, was just me. 

    • Like 2
  5. 7 minutes ago, TugHillMatt said:

    Yeah, that area doesn't have much at all and is far away from everything. Your new locale has that nicer proximity to Watertown while still getting good snows. Just to warn you, southerly winds off the higher elevations to your south on the Tug can lead to some rapid snowmelt there. 

    Southerly winds off anywhere is going to torch most likely. Unless you live in the tug you’re getting that torch no matter what. Granted this spot is considered the tug, just not into the deep part of the tug 

    • Like 4
  6. 1 hour ago, Flying MXZ said:

    You like to buy just outside of the big snow areas. But I get it, there isn’t much in the Redfield’s and Montague’s of the world. 

    There are literally 0 houses in that area. Plus you get a big snow there you may not get out to go to work or home from work lol. Lots of seasonal roads there. This spot is much better than lowville with about a 175” avg and over 1100’ in elev 

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, TugHillMatt said:

    No, I'm in the Northwest corner of the county. It's been a "better" winter here than most of the rest of the county (with the exception of the Route 20 corridor from Skan. to Caz) where they've been the jackpot zone.

    One of the wintriest nighttime shots of downtown Syracuse for the season tonight:

    Armory Square Webcam in Syracuse, NY | Armory Cam

    Is that close to where the college is? Looks like it’s hopping on a Sunday night 

  8. 1 hour ago, DeltaT13 said:

    I would guess that greater than 95% of houses in upstate have a basement. I would never ever consider purchasing a house without one. The amount of stuff in my basement is pretty ridiculous. It’s such valuable space. 

    I will say that my basement will flood within hours without supplemental pumping in the event of a power outage,  but I’ve got redundant systems installed and have had little issue over the years. 

    Do you worry about mold and what not down there with the dampness? Or is it not really damp anymore 

  9. 1 minute ago, wolfie09 said:

    The flow is out of the NW..We get that wind direction a lot in the winter, obviously..I feel like"majority" of big events (feet) happen east of the lake but you probably see more consistent snow SE of the lake with the constant northerly flows..They obviously have some elevation as well.. The tug can upslope from various wind direction which is why they have it made lol 

    I guess what I mean, while it probably snows a lot, it seems like its a lot of minor like 2-4 3-5 constant type events and chance of a big event like 12+ is tough to come by

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