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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. I get to be at a horse show on Saturday and not sweat my fanny off!!
  2. You know what is really bad. I have been craving a thunderstorm or even just rain so much that I have had a Pandora station of thunderstorms/rain tracks playing the past few nights.
  3. I have had to resort to playing Thunderstorm rain sounds over our Sonos. I am craving a good Thunderstorm so much. Using it to fall asleep.
  4. My parents live in FL. They decided to pack up and head North to my sisters in Atlanta. While they live on the West coast this storm is being so different that for all we know it could cross the entire state and re-form over the Gulf. They did not want to wait for a mandatory evacuation and get caught in traffic.
  5. Getting some rumbles of thunder. Had a decent wind gust hit the back of the house. .60" of rain and still coming down.
  6. Looks like that line is coming intact here.
  7. Absolutely beautiful today! Had a horse show out in Berryville VA. Was nice not to spend the whole day sweating.
  8. Do you know what part of Frederick Co?
  9. We are back in show to start up soon.
  10. Currently in the women’s bathroom as the lawn was evacuated at Merriweather.
  11. Just went on with a Pyro display! Sweet sound!
  12. They are on next. Spoon put in a Bitchin’ show just now!
  13. Currently at a concert at Merriweather with lawn seats. I am not liking the look of the radar to my West.
  14. No storms close to me but just got a big thunder clap out of no where. Sun is back lighting the clouds to my East and the colors are vibrant. Getting more thunder. edited that cell to my West just popped out of no where!
  15. Getting rain now, just on the edge. Fantastic light show!
  16. Getting quite the light show over here. I am just outside of the Warning box.
  17. After leaving the jungle this morning, it is a nice change getting the breeze off the mountains.
  18. The curse of me telling my husband to bring in the catio...
  19. Watch it fizzle now I just had my husband bring the catio in off the deck
  20. Yep just came here to say the sun is out and can start to see blue skies. Currently 75/79
  21. Actually I have gotten nothing at my house. Thunder and dark skies but everything is going around me currently.
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