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Posts posted by Mrs.J

  1. 18 minutes ago, Interstate said:

    I am moving to Cleveland. 


    16 minutes ago, jayyy said:

    From my experience living up in that area, it’s One of the worst places off Lake Erie for both synoptic and lake effect snow. 

    I grew up just south of Toledo. So have driven 80/90 many times. One year went back for Christmas and got caught in a white out on 80. Got to the point that we seriously thought about pulling off and staying over night. Got behind a semi doing around 10 mph with flashing lights and just followed right behind him for a good 10 miles. We knew we could not stop or we would get stuck on the side of the road. Car was FWD. Finally got out of the band and drove on into my parents house. Will never ever do that again. 

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, fourseasons said:

    I'll blame this post on @stormtracker's post in the MLK Storm thread, but am I the only person around here who hasn't seen the movie Titanic?  I had no interest in seeing it when came out and it didn't take long to flesh out the ship-is-going-to-sink ending with she's engaged, she cheats, nudity is involved, loverboy drowns, her heart goes on.  Oh, and Celine Dion was on the radio singing about it every hour for months on end.

    What a crappy movie! Younger Miss J had a friend over awhile back and she was like we are watching Titanic because my parents told me not to watch it as it was bad. So like any kid who knows their parents don't know the best stuff around, they proceeded to watch it.

    Asked them after how did they like it. Both said they turned it off 30 min in and that we were right it was a crap movie! Told them we saved them 3 hrs of their day tipping them off.  

    11 minutes ago, Stormfly said:

    Anyone have a spare traffic cone handy?


    As a former HS Sax player this was funny!!

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, wxtrix said:

    friends in Auckland said they heard the shock wave.

    So just went to check out the story. Tsunami advisories along the entire West coast of US up to Alaska. Mr. J and the older Miss J are in Seattle this morning. 

  4. Ok I am just going to come clean. I am the one responsible for the shift on this system.


    I have personal reasons as you all know. I hope all the :weenie:‘s don’t blackball me here. 

    Here is an offering of one of my homemade dinners to make up for it. 


    • Haha 3
  5. 2 hours ago, MissAnthrope said:

    The season they’re showing right now had a guy who said he learned to drive stick about 2 weeks before coming on the show. Pretty sure he didn’t actually practice all that much but he did seem to get it eventually. I’m always surprised that the contestants don’t bother to pick up this skill in advance. I don’t think there have been a lot of episodes in the most recent seasons with manual cars so I figured European countries were moving away from manual cars like here in the US. My husband has said for years that we should try to be on the show because I drive a manual car. No thank you!! I’m too old for that crap.

    I told my husband if we were on that show we would kick ass with him currently having a manual transmission and me being super with map reading skills. I am Dyslexic but between me and him we can navigate with a good old fashioned paper map. Have taught our girls how to use them also. 

  6. Well we have finally made a decision for Mr. J and the older Miss J. We decided not to get their flight changed. 2 hrs. was not going to make a difference and the extra cost of $600 can be put to a better use. 

    Plan is he is taking his car, MX 5 rear wheel drive, down and parking in one of the garages at Dulles. And they will fly out this afternoon to Seattle. Plan is there is a possibility their flight will be canceled Sunday afternoon, and if so they will rebook and stay an extra night in Seattle. Plan B is if their flight is not canceled and they get in at their arrival time of midnight and cannot drive, they will get a hotel room down near the airport until it is safe to drive back home. Plan C is this storm stays more West and they get lucky and can drive home after they get in. I have spent 2 nights with insomnia trying to figure this out and finally told myself I do not have control of the situation and what will be will be. The weather in Seattle is supposed to be beautiful for her college visit and as long as she gets to see where she may be living for the next 4 years and decide that she is fine being that far away from home that is all that matters. :D 

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  7. 33 minutes ago, leesburg 04 said:

    One of the funniest things for me on DTs maps is the fact that most people can't locate where they live on the map and many can't even locate their county. It's the same on here which is sad. Learn your geography folks...bare minimum where you live.

    So Mr J and I used to watch Amazing Race for the travel. But stopped watching when the couples would be arguing over the fact that even though on a show with travel could not read a map to save their lives. That and the fact that if you are doing overseas travel understand that you should at least have one person who knows how to drive a manual transmission. 

    • Haha 3
  8. 2 hours ago, George BM said:

    Yeah. That Sunday return looks iffy atm with snow, potential heavy, during the PM hours of Sunday before any potential flip. At least that's how it looks at the moment. Details are still changing of course.

    I would AWD just to be safe.

    Thanks. We found an earlier flight that would get them into National by 10. Going to see if we can get the flight changed. Will still be me picking up as they will still fly out of Dulles and back into National. 

    • Like 1
  9. Ok I have something to ask but do not want to put in the potential storm thread. 

    Mr. J and the oldest Miss J are flying out Friday evening to Seattle. She got accepted to Seattle U and wants to actually see the campus before making a decision. 

    Their flight home is Sunday afternoon at 4 into Dulles at 11:59. I am trying to get some insight on 1. will their flight not be canceled and 2. should I let Mr. J drive his MX 5 down. Or should I take them and then pick them up as I have AWD.

    I usually hold off till about 3 days ahead but would need some perspective as I would have to take them down on Friday afternoon. My weather apps as of now are showing some light snow than rain before their arrival time into Dulles. 

  10. 11 hours ago, RDM said:

    Let me guess - water skiing at Grand Lake St. Marys?  :ski:

    I grew up in NW Ohio and my grandparents had a cottage on a lake in MI, Lake of the Woods aka Rose Lake. We used to go up every weekend in the summer. They summered in MI and wintered in FL. :sun:

    • Haha 1
  11. 11 hours ago, WinterFire said:

    Since skiing seems to be one thing to keep LR panic at bay, and there's a lot of knowledgable folks on here, I wanted to ask--does anyone have any tips/recommendations for adults learning to ski? I've always wanted to learn but am worried that it's something you have to learn as a kid (which in Houston...was not gonna happen). Thanks!

    I used to ski a lot in my early 20’s. But my knees are so messed up now I don’t dare hit the slopes. Like others have said once you get the basics down and if you are quick to apply you should be good. I never took any formal lessons but I used to water ski as a kid and both are very similar. 

  12. Has been snowing here since about 9. Grass surfaces have a decent coating. Pavement is just starting to cover. 

    FCPS put up a 2 hr late start for tomorrow morning. While most major roads I was on today were brined the mountain bus routes I am sure will grant the Miss J’s wish of a snow day tomorrow. 

  13. 1 hour ago, wxtrix said:

    ok, what are we cooking for the upcoming snowstorm? i am doing braised or pressure cooked beef short ribs probably on Friday.

    Well here is tonight’s cold weather comfort classics. Home fries with sage and rosemary, sausage and a couple of fried eggs.  

    My moms Texas Hash for tomorrow night and Oven Baked BBQ Pork Tenderloin is on for Friday. 


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  14. 25 minutes ago, snowfan said:

    This is a well thought out take. And reasonable!

    Should had also said for those who love it you are good in my book. Now if you love wind I am going to have some issues with you :D

    • Haha 1
  15. 10 minutes ago, snowfan said:

    Since when does most of the general public not like snow?

    I don't hate it. I grew up in an area that got it's fair share. As a kid loved it, as an adult I am ok with it until it is lingering and gets looking all nasty. Then I am done with it. Oh and I am done with any snow that falls after the end of February. 

  16. 1 hour ago, fourseasons said:

    I may have told this story before, but where I'm from your vehicle is going to have an engine block heater if you want it to function in the winter.  As we call it, you plug in your car.  That being said, urban/suburban school districts rarely, if ever, closed (still the same way).  Forty below?  School's open.  There was the one day when the overnight low had only been around zero and it came over the radio, "________ County schools are closed due to no buses."  It was an urban/rural district and they had all the buses parked in one central lot.  Overnight someone(s) hopped the fence and unplugged every bus, and as a result none of them would start.  They never caught whoever did it.

    Oh my I remember that happening to my school system bus yard one time! Never found out who unplugged the busses. Because yea while were were a city within a city we rarely closed unless there was a good 4" on the roads. 

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  17. 1 hour ago, Maestrobjwa said:

    Ha...I deserved that--but I gotta admit that was funny. 

    Also funny enough...guess how old I happened to be during the blizzard of '96? Five...lol

    I can give you some of my snow…





    oh wait…:arrowhead:


    • Haha 9
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