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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. This is mildly interesting for a slow day. Rainy Friday. -Dumass
  2. We are doing great PBP for this fast paced weather day!. Clouds are breaking over here and up to 71.
  3. Here is the EC's forecast for today at 18Z. Wide spread mid 70's in the LSV. It continues to run anywhere from 4-8 degrees too high on fairly frequent occasions. At 1PM MDT was 69, LNS 70 and HGR 65.
  4. Saw a peek of sun about 30 min ago but still mostly cloudy and 68. I think we make 70 but not much else unless the clouds break. MDT at 71.
  5. Now that is a damn funny post! Spot on! That should have been my reply prior to any apologies.
  6. It can be a valuable source of info with all the sources coming in, sort of like an aggregator (popular online one is Fark), if you can sift through the drivel. I sometimes try to throw out comments to keep things informative vs. vile but I failed today when someone mistook me for some guy named Dumas (they spelled it wrong though).
  7. Been watching the HRRR on and off since yesterday and it has raised your predict a couple degrees to 72, from 70 yesterday, and then drives you down into the low to mid 50's tonight. Windows open.
  8. You would have to step your game up to be an OT contributor :-).
  9. Yep. Definitely some winter temps near both our areas on the GFS next week and then what would appear to be a longer stretch the following week. CMC was a tad warmer early next week with only two BN dats at MDT while having Tue be close to normal.
  10. 12Z GFS has 3 days BN at MDT next week, then an AN stretch (highs low 70's, lows in low and mid 50's) followed by colder again early the following week. I stopped looking when the hours went in the 3XXX's. One interesting point is that it slowed down the Saturday front a bit so eastern LSV warms up before the passage. This coming Monday AM would feature 30's readings in the LSV cooler spots.
  11. So, anecdotal reports in the Pitt thread that some almost all black (no rust band) woolly bear's have been seen this year. Comments in this article talk about them as well? Brutal winter or a change in the specifies? https://www.almanac.com/woolly-bear-caterpillars-and-weather-prediction
  12. Pretty dense cloud cover persists for many. 65 and cloudy at noon.
  13. My wife commented, when driving up to High Rock last week, how there are not many "nicer houses" on the road up.
  14. That was our first blue in along time as well but we are totally socked in again now.
  15. Foggy and 59 here. Found this smaller version of Wunderground on a individual's Wundermap map page.
  16. Looks like you (Pitt area) is headed for the low to mid 50's tonight.
  17. Had to chuckle this Am when I heard him called Big Ben several times on ESPN Radio. Big Ben lives in in Philly. LOL
  18. Low of 56 last night. 57 right now. Warm air's last gasp the next 3 days? Guessing the warmer areas get up to 75ish today. Upper 60's to low 70's for the other areas of the LSV. Real battle on Friday even on the EC now which has MDT at 70 for its 18Z temp but near the M/D it's 80.
  19. Probably an issue with the modeling but check out the 1PM temps on the GFS for Friday. Has MDT in the 50's 24 hours later on Sat.
  20. @Cashtown_Coop, just cleared out here after a good .15" of rain but Quirauk is shrouded tonight. Rouzerville Clear, Pen Mar socked in. It feels great out. Most fall feeling evening so far. 57 and crisp.
  21. HRRR is wondering aloud if you even get to 70 tomorrow. I think you do but its really not looking that warm tomorrow as compared to the possibility of 80's before.
  22. Well another round of "too low for radar" rains here. Thought today was going to stay dry. Down to 60.
  23. I think it simultaneously enhances our enjoyment of the hobby as well as dirties the water. I am guilty of taking them too literally sometimes.
  24. Understand. I was going with the "how many days BN" question. There is no hounds of winter weather coming yet.
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