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Everything posted by Bubbler86

  1. That is true but it is the end of evening tennis/working outside and feeling like you can accomplish anything after work. Just personal opinion.
  2. I am actually not a huge fan of this. It was one of the big adjustments I had to make in moving back from Florida. Would rather it is dark in the AM. Personal opinion.
  3. I was seeing it somewhere....maybe Blizz was posting it.
  4. Training will be looking East for the snow. And our first real Kuch mention this year. Pivotal pulled Kuch on us for the EC. Thought we had it last year.
  5. I looked at your low yesterday and thought it only said 32. did not think that couple be right.
  6. Another Pillow victory....though I did not check Coffin Rock yet.
  7. Pretty significant changes in the GFS for that weekend. Cold front on Friday instead of Saturday night/Sunday AM.
  8. Looks like MDT did not hit freezing unless they did it quickly in between readings. Their hot cousin Cap City did. Frosty 26 here.
  9. Yea, that is what I meant saying the DUI was not the "cause" in my eyes. It made it worse but this was not a simple mistake in judgement.
  10. Sat Night on the GFS though it is raining Sat. 18Z on Sat from the GFS.
  11. Yea, I doubt you touch 70 but the usual suspects around the Capitol Beltway area have a shot just based on this depiction at 12Z. Mid 60's at 18Z a couple times.
  12. Another PSU game? I just checked the Euro and its fairly mild on Saturday AM. The Euro was between 5 and 15 degrees too warm with the temps last night so the usual caveats. Had you bottom out at 35 vs. the 30 you reported.
  13. No probation in Nevada for his one charge. Min 2 year sentence if convicted. Judge said it was the fastest any offender had ever driven as to his cases.
  14. Your boy was doing 156MPH. He also killed a dog. If it was him, he should spend a decade plus locked up. I say that because this was not just a DUI doing that speed.
  15. Don't shoot the messenger. I am a fair and balanced model reader.
  16. HIA has a shot to hit 70 four days next week on the GFS.
  17. I think a lot more vaxxed people are getting Covid now (more than once for some) but the Vax is still protecting many from serious disease. The stats I read suggest more vaxxed are dying now than before but still mostly unvaxxed.
  18. The Pack had an outbreak and its just now showing in some others. 5-6 tested positive now.
  19. Really, both Friday and Saturday AM. Near 20 with teens in colder locations. 25 at HIA.
  20. King CMC is still going with teens Saturday AM.
  21. Its been a rainy 3-4 days here as well. Good to see the sun today. Weekend was a total washout. Never dried.
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