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Everything posted by Ji

  1. I'm trying to come up with the timing of our Heather A. about 3 weeks from when the block starts will be Pd weekend
  2. So alot of people on the board are under a winter storm warning
  3. @buckeye should frame this run. One of the nicest ohio weenie runs
  4. even with todays awful Euro run...ill still take that than bitter cold/dry and congrats panama city
  5. yes...but thankfully its consistent with the 50/50 high:(
  6. when this storm fails...we got the one right behind it to help us fail again haha
  7. btw.....these storms are racing. the Euro goes from the gulf to Maine in one day?
  8. is there anything dr no will ever not say no to?
  9. Pretty much every solution known to weenies and non weenies
  10. Im going go put on my yoda hat the fv3 looks like a strung out disaster
  11. we really need this storm because the snow will have a chance to stick around for a while...im glad the CMC has something least. Icon has something that looks it could pop post 180 hours
  12. after getting 12 inches this past weekend...a 4-8 storm is gonna be kind of lame...unless it happens in 4-8 hours
  13. I know...just asking what model is seeing to print that out...
  14. this might be the biggest slap in the face in modeling history
  15. Based on where we were 10 days before the MECS last weekend....was it the most surprising major snow event of your life?
  16. Typical dc storm. The back edge shows up before the first flake falls
  17. Maybe were worried about the wrong oscillation
  18. Serious question. Is there a science that explains on these kinds of storms how the snow always seems to reaches 20 miles south of dc then moves due east https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/?model=gfs&region=us&pkg=mslp_pcpn_frzn&runtime=2019011718&fh=162
  19. as JB loves saying...after this next cutter...it will be Snow or No for a while
  20. that looks like a clipper/Miller B low
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