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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. Man, what a crappy day...rain/drrizzle/misty/foggy/and still semi-dark at 7:25am. Do indoor stuff today and avoid shopping as the idiots are out.... 46F/foggy and misty
  2. Yep, I like snow then a cold/windy period for a while. Snow and 50F the next day kinda sucks which usually happens late in the winter. Is your avatar the snow bowl vs Detroit? I watched that game about a week ago....totally nuts! Ranks up there w/the Fog bowl which was completely insane!!
  3. You may be correct but I'll believe it when it happens/see it. I'm seeing a bunch of avg/above avg temps...borderline precip for the next month+ if it falls at the correct time it will be frozen. BTW, I'm not a late winter fan...from late Feb on is kinda mush/crap which tends to melt quickly. Give me mid Dec through the 3rd-4th week of Feb and now we're talking. We're going to lose a solid month+ the way things are looking now....could change but we may get stuck in a rut...we'll see. I'm just somewhat happy Christmas will be cold enough to be "Christmas" as it appears right now....any snow (an 1") would be a bonus.
  4. Nice slug of moisture has moved in. We either freeze our balls off w/wind/dry or rain/damp and 40s....currently 46F.
  5. I'll easily take a clipper for Xmas eve which is fine but I want to stay clear of that nothing burger....
  6. What the hell is a nothing burger? Speaking of...I could go for a burger.
  7. May as well have the first one be rain then snow to get your pile going. Hell, I'll take a 1-3 incher Xmas/Xmas day....
  8. Man,it's been pretty much been dark/low clouds all day here...temps in the 30s. Looks like snow but nothing...
  9. Currently outside and if I didn't know any better I would think some sort of snow/frz precip is moving in with the overcast skies, 25F temp and calm winds. It just looks like snow will fall........nope, depressing.
  10. Probably 2' x 1' x 4"....instead of a Charlie Brown Xmas tree it was a Charlie Brown snow pile. Really sucks we couldn't get a nice storm/tracking event this weekend. That, along w/the Eagles/Dallas game tomorrow and it's the holiday season...would've be pretty cool.
  11. Saw a small one in Hatfield yesterday as well. I was going to turn around and take a picture but I focused and gained control of myself before I looked like a complete loser... 34F, on and off flurries
  12. From what I've seen, local TV outlets are saying little and already reached a verdict..."storm will scoot by to our south...we may see nothing more than some clouds".
  13. Had a couple snow showers just now driving through Chalfont into Hatfield...caught me by surprise.
  14. You took the words right outta my mouth. I can't get as technical as many but I see patterns/setups etc and for longest time (or so it seems) mother nature wants to drop some kind of precip on us. Let's just hope we get the precip and cold(er) air to connect so snow/wintry precip will occur...
  15. Yep, the large ones are on radar well in advance and stay the course (for the most part) till the event actually occurs. Let's see what happens w/this one. Any wintry event this early is a bonus. I'll take a 1-2" storm or a snow/mix to rain....doesn't matter.
  16. Happens every year and I'm not the least bit discouraged at this point. I'll be shocked if I don't see positive trends in the coming days. You may have started the thread a tad early but hell let's wing it and see what happens. We already have a decent storm under our belts and the potential for another before mid Dec...that's a solid start.
  17. That's probably what we want at this time then a little by little movement N over the coming days. Nice to see the Euro on board...
  18. I'll take it even if it's false hope...just something to somewhat track for the time being.
  19. Without the wind (dead calm) my current temp of 33F doesn't feel bad at all. 12/8 - 12/9 Tracking possibilities???
  20. Still alive...13 days later in Horsham (11/28 @ 9am)
  21. Some nice gust out there early this morning blowing my civic all over the road. The 34F feels waaayyy colder...
  22. Really wish we had something wintry to "track". That Nov snow got my blood flowing, now nothing. Withdrawal? 36F
  23. Actually .81"...little more moved through. Drizzle/mist now....47F with a raw feel.
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