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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. That's where I see it...I'm good w/this. Not heavy stuff (shoveling) which is a bonus... 33F
  2. Actually surprised w/the amount which lasted, not great but better than I thought... 37F/Overcast...
  3. 33F, overcast, may be beaver season? And get your head out of the gutter... This little guy is cool...
  4. Crunchy stuff out there...early morning Pink Floyd.
  5. Do you know (or anyone) if the official Philly totals still come from the airport?
  6. At this point, refresher? There's won't be anything to refresh by (if?) Saturday. Went out just to shovel (3" at this point) the public sidewalk so the township doesn't give me a citation. And damn, if I shut my eyes I would think it's raining from the rooftops around me melting and running down the gutters. Plenty of green under trees and bushes as well...
  7. I've noticed this the past week or so while driving. So damn bright and drilling to my eyes for, not even, mid-Feb. WTF? This stuff usually doesn't affect me till early-mid March at the earliest... 39F/partly sunny
  8. Lol...just ready to post this. I didn't even touch the roof of my car (black) or any parts and it's 70-80% melted....it will be clear by the end of the day. Didn't even shovel today and won't...let mother nature take care of it since she created it. 39F/Partly sunny
  9. Yeah, you missed out. It was like a couple hour death band...easily 1" rates and sometimes 2" I would think. Better luck next time year... 38F/Partly sunny
  10. Sun out in full force with some blue skies, let the drip-drip begin. Wouldn't be surprised if I lose 50%+ of my accumulation this afternoon. We are getting drilled by the sun and 40 degree temps and from below since the ground was/is still warm. The only reason we received any significant accumulation was the insane rates... 38F
  11. Watching Kathy Orr now and she was showing snow totals....Telford 8.9". Correct? Who knows? Sun really doing a number on any totals... 37F
  12. Whoever is in the path of this....good 1"+ stuff. Edit: I think some 2" rates...
  13. This will be a 2"+ batch that's going to roll through soon....going to be cool along w/the wind. 32F
  14. I can see this thing done for the burbs by 10-11am and some sun by 2pm or earlier. Gotta get you stuff in now...it's trucking.
  15. Back to pancake size flakes from sleet...this alley is pretty nice.
  16. It's still raising hell out there (pings galore), wind as well. Hope I kick back to snow. Like Telford, I've been going through rain, snow, big time sleet, frz rain....right now Telford Frz rain. Hell, just call out or show up this afternoon...
  17. Odd, I was at 34F w/snow...now, 33F w/heavy duty sleet pegging the windows. Just watching Fox29 news and the guy traveling around in Allentown w/sleet as well...
  18. 33F/snow Spotters to my N/W/E in the 2-4" range at 4:40am...
  19. That didn't take long for a complete changeover...34F.
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