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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. When it’s 87 /69 in CON or BTV next week .. let’s revisit
  2. First frosts have arrived past climo in one or 2 deep burbs in NNE. Snows are a coming. Put all summer attire away and keep the fires lit and heaters on. Skim ice by nightfall on ponds
  3. The ACCAT that disappeared all summer and suddenly reappeared after a slight mild down are running rampant . Notice it’s mainly NNE ers too. Denying and fighting climate has changed right before them . #keepwishingforcoldinaseaofwarmth
  4. Check out the Euro next week and pray for any uninstalleds
  5. As discussed many times.. we just lived thru the most humid summer of our lives in ALL of CT. This is why it was termed YORE . We Yored
  6. Peak season has changed everywhere. With the new humid climate all areas are generally 2 weeks later now than they were previously. So yiu should have gone late 2nd week of October. We now won’t peak in SNE from here on out until Halloween
  7. Normals . Nothing more nothing less. That’s what a season does in season
  8. I’m not sure what Boy is speaking of, but those that know me know I want seasons in seasons .. HHH summers, cool to chilly autumns as we progress and snowy cold winters. Unfortunately, autumn ain’t delivering.. so we just push thru and pray winter is good
  9. Lots of 70’s and 80’s now showing up on models in Torchtober
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