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Everything posted by vastateofmind

  1. Yeah, I'm torn. I looked at that and was like, "F*CK. So typical this season!" And then, on a day like today (or yesterday), I'm like, "Hmmm. Yeah, I'm more ready for warmer springtime temps than I realized. Screw my achey sinuses, BRING IT, SPRING." We are taking a rare road trip south into northern GA from Wed-Sun this week, and will need to plan a Sat/Sun return depending on what happens with Storm #1...and while I don't particularly want to DRIVE in marginal snow/ice back into NoVA, I am pulling for those of you here in the DMV to get something this weekend. God knows y'all deserve it.
  2. We've been in the mid 60s for the past hour or so...SO freakin' nice out. Of course, it's March....so not allowing myself to enjoy it too much, for too long. :/
  3. 59/34 currently. Wind advisory expired an hour ago, and honestly...it's an effing gorgeous early spring day out there under a nearly perfectly blue sky. I only wish our patio furniture was cleaner, because we would TOTALLY sit out around the firepit tonight.
  4. The main takeaway here? Sapwood Brewing. Never heard of it, but because @Scraffmentioned it....I will go over to the MD dark side and try it, based SOLELY on his mention.
  5. Not surprisingly, all cold light rain here in FfxCo...did an hour-long walk at mid-morning, and it stayed around 45-46 degrees, with on/off sprinkles. I missed the thunder/lightning a couple nights ago...so wouldn't mind hearing that for the first time in 2023 (myself) tonight. And literally moments ago, a wind advisory was just hoisted for tomorrow during most of the day. Welcome, psychotic March weather.
  6. Good point. Mine broke years ago and I've been dragging my feet on a replacement...although I've read/heard about a few better replacements in this sub over the last 1-2 years, so there's that.
  7. LOVE this, miss these recommendations! Haven't heard of that one and am literally writing it on the beers-to-find list I take to Wegmans. Thanks!!
  8. Preach. Gonna have to mow everywhere next week at the latest, given some of the heartier patches of new grass growth...and if so, it'll be the earliest mowing I remember for 30+ years. On a semi-related note -- definitely heard the peepers waking up in the wetlands backing my neighborhood, on several of our warmer evenings last week. Sure, we COULD still get snow....but all the signs are pointing to an anomalous early welcome to spring.
  9. That damn oversized, pampered rat lies with impunity EVERY year...
  10. 39/26. Moderate snow began in past five or so minutes, huge flakes.
  11. 21 degrees, wind chill apparently around 7-8 degrees. It's effing cold.
  12. Send pics from Western MD, please! Your home out there and the land it sits upon is so gorgeous. On a topic closer to my heart....today's 1.5"+ of rain drowned, and apparently shorted out the pump/lights in, the 7' inflatable Santa that I had staked down in the front yard, and for the record....I will NEVER buy another holiday inflatable for the rest of my earthly days. :/
  13. GOD, I missed this place...I mean, what better mix is there than wx enthusiasts and humor??
  14. But....a DFH 90 Min IPA is worth, like, FIVE other "regular" beers. So, you're good!
  15. Yes, but....how does your beer supply look this evening, @CAPE...just in case the situation worsens??
  16. LOL. Checked in this morning for the first time in months to get the skinny on the impending frozen precip event tonight/tomorrow A.M. and saw this notification. Appreciate you asking. My day job and teaching as a side hustle, has been crazy busy since late spring and I've been scarce online in general. Have missed your Caps banter and trash talk, as well as hearing about the further adventures of @H2O's retirement, the end of @mattie g's and @Kay's growing seasons, and of course, all of the awesome IPA recommendations from @CAPE, @Scraff and other brew appreciators. I'll probably lurk more again over the holidays, especially since it looks like a colder period coming up...and to drop the occasional photo, like this one captured on Fort Belvoir's parade field just before this morning's sunrise.
  17. Great pic. This same scene literally happened at about 12:30 to 1 p.m.-ish today here in SE FfxCo. And looks like it might be getting ready to repeat within the next 30-60 min, although I don't think we'll whiff on this round. Currently 94/75.
  18. 99/74 IMBY. Yep, I still prefer this wx over 38 and a very cold rain...
  19. This x100. Had several young friends when I was a kid get struck by lightning when standing under a tree....one died. I guess I thought that, logically, most of us have been taught NOT to stand under trees when thunderstorms descend....maybe that isn't a safe assumption anymore. I experienced a direct lightning strike to the front peak of my childhood home in PA when I was a teenager...the immediate thunder crash and literal shaking to the foundation of our 100-year old home, combined with (literally!) EVERY electrical appliance in the house spiking/surging/failing/screaming was an experience I won't forget for the rest of my life. And because of it...I have a VERY healthy respect for lightning, always.
  20. Right? By the time you get to the "Oh, SHIT!" moment....it could be/might be TOO LATE for you. If it's THAT blackish/greyish/greenish in the sky when this type of weather approaches? My ass is gonna be in our HALF BASEMENT. I love to photograph and do video of wx phenom, but not to the detriment of me remaining upright and vertical...
  21. A "thin" early evening storm passing through late last week....seemed to consist of a gust front and little else behind it, which allowed the sunset to underlight the backside.
  22. LOL. So, in terms of amusement parks, it seems that roller coasters are the *ONLY* type of ride this old man can handle anymore. I can't spin, do barrel rolls, or otherwise ROTATE in any way on any amusement ride (with the arguable exception of LOOPING coasters, for some reason!) without getting vertigo or some motion sickness. It saddens me....as I used to be able to ride ANYTHING that the amusement parks offered, at least decades ago.
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