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Everything posted by Wmsptwx

  1. I liked the decision tbh…quit messing with times lol.
  2. Same here now too…was way worse in early hours. Basically calm now lol.
  3. 5 to 7 here it blew around some but it felt like a lot shoveling
  4. Yeah this storm is weird lol, gonna cause a lot of egg on faces.
  5. CAA is definitely a game changer in this one and fact it’s going to be a cold windy night after. You, bubbler and blizz deserve a ton of credit if we end up region wide solid advisory.
  6. They’ll be fine….nets needed this more. Also, you watching UVA game? My team sh*t the bed with 17 point lead earlier…should’ve kept Martelli.
  7. Bad night, it happens. Still think you guys and bucks run the east. I’m a Russell Westbrook fan so all I know is pain in NBA lol…I’m adopting 76ers slowly.
  8. Lol I mean kinda but it’s strung out with bad rates.
  9. This storm went from bad ass bomb to dried out event that will have trouble laying lol.
  10. Gonna be close I think, but not gonna complain if we switch to rain instead of ice.
  11. Lol gonna be regionwide lackluster WWAs. Always the route taken.
  12. Lol that’s why I’m confused with this storm up here…is it just rain or a decent sleet/ice event? Euro has big ice all the way to N MD.
  13. Hahaha. How you been bud, haven’t talked in awhile!? We should do a baseball game together this year.
  14. We usually over perform on IP and Fzrn in my valley area…I know areas west of here warm quicker though.
  15. Yeah I know rains in the cards at some point…surprisingly nam keeps us all ice until the end.
  16. Lol some are being worse downers than even me on here…you guys are catching up!!
  17. Voyager, what’s the name of your YouTube channel? I want to check it out
  18. Jesus who wants to talk about wrestling…I can’t even understand how you get points lol, just a bunch of rolling around and tight singlets.
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