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Everything posted by ice1972

  1. Lol....I was gonna rant but what’s the point.... had it all typed out and everything....
  2. Its not just Japan though.....those scenes were normal for me going to various Tahoe sites......Alpine Meadows in particular......always had feet and feet of pack.........epic....
  3. Welcome to this entire season....sourdough
  4. Ya why is the Hudson valley included? That’s weird....
  5. I’m just wondering where those winters of yore from 2004-2011 went? After that it seems so hit or miss.....sure there’s been biggies but never timed well.....anybody remember last year how we were throwing around “winter of yore” after December came in so great.....then last year happened....lol
  6. ^ lol never mind.....it was a different thread
  7. But then you’re back to that line originally proposed......you need some sourdough to clear yourbhead
  8. I agree.....I think you want 84 to Sturbridge then a line to like Quincy......south shore area....
  9. That’s pretty much what that line is......
  10. Pretty sure Worcester is the place to be......the CT River Valley is the kiss of death I’m told but in the right setup can be totally fine.....if you have a good sourdough then it doesn’t matter.....and who lives in NNE? Lol
  11. Sure.....at this point I’d gladly take a TOR up my ass in May.....lord knows the snow ain’t coming
  12. I swear if this season somehow redeems itself....it’s cuz sourdough toast is the best..... thank you
  13. Also just so you know..... the snow isn’t coming....ok?
  14. Crested Butte? No way.....imma gonna retire in Truckee CA thank you very much..... my pack fetish won’t be denied there no doubt about it....occasionally they get a flood like 1997 but not often...lol
  15. The toast was so good....the west Hartford Whole Fodds has a good mother and bakes a decent sourdough......so a good night.....10 fold enjoyment over what SNE brings in the snow department.....what a joke
  16. Haha....Imma gonna toast me up some San Francisco sourdough and enjoy a taste of home while you wallow knee deep in a fantasy that is SNE normalcy......like we should be paring off equal.....my delicious sourdough toast against your amazing SNE snow......yet here we are....complete SNE fail.....I’m done
  17. I mean we got folks still talking about how January can be saved and shit.....JFC
  18. I love all the grasping at straws that happens when we are waist deep in shit.....
  19. And I swear anybody who tells me to calm down.....stfu....
  20. When you start so great in mid December and then get absolutely bent over by the grinch and the grinches ugly step sister a week later you can in no way act like anything that happens later is redeeming in any way....the season is an all time ratter regardless....if we get a Nemo in here in 3 weeks I’m not rejoicing.....got it? It’s cancelled at this point.....LFG May 1
  21. But the SSW will save us at 384.....FML
  22. What a garbage winter.....next
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