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north pgh

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Everything posted by north pgh

  1. What is wrong with this? Unless you are near the southern border? Since when is 5-9 inches of snow a bad thing? Keep the faith.
  2. I wouldn't get too discouraged yet. The Canadian has the low closer to Pa border and gives all of Allegheny Co 6-10 from south to north. The GFS has the low down in West Virginia and brings snow line much further north. Right now I'd give all of Allegheny Co a 50/50 chance or a nice snowfall. Some models will nail this and some will be wrong but I think the only model that will be 100% right is what actually happens and we won't know that until about 6:00 pm on Saturday.
  3. I think GFS is definitely improvement. It takes the low thru West Virginia now instead of pa. Brings heavier snow into allegheny county. Hopefully the warm air surge is overdone and we can hold on to the cold for the southern part of the county. If Canadian comes south then we are back in the game.
  4. NAM is a good start. Next 3 hours will be key to continue trend.
  5. After this one it looks like we get some rain ahead of another arctic front on Wednesday and maybe a clipper next weekend. Sometimes clippers end up being some of our better storms. Still a ways out things can change.
  6. Haha maybe NWS saw my post and liked it and thought 3-12 sounded better Btw snowing hard here in the north hills
  7. At this point I think we may not know what we are getting until the storm comes on Saturday. It will be like the 1970 storms and the 1990 storms that I grew up without models available to me. We'll probably just have to go out Saturday and watch what is falling and hope it stays frozen. This is why my favorite weatherman Joe DeNardo would always wait until 24-48 hours out for snow totals. Right now we are still in a 2-12 range and it might not change until the storm gets here. At this point as long as that low tracks to our south anything can happen. Most of our big storms are usually under forecasted so one of these days we will be surprised. Why not this weekend?
  8. Looking like the cutoff will go to Rt 422 if this holds.
  9. GFS is north =BAD Canadian holds=GOOD We are still 2+ days out and not locked in. I think tomorrow they all come together and we can end this misery.
  10. This helped us bring the 2010 storm north after everything was missing south. Now we need it to help bring the storm south. Either way here it is.
  11. Regardless the trend is better for us. Remember it is only Tuesday night. Hopefully it is not going any further north than before. Too many things can happen. I'll go to bed and hopefully the Euro comes down a little more. We need to get this thing far enough south that our friends in Southern Allegheny Co. can get in on the action too.
  12. The low is transferring to another low that is moving up the coast. That would be better for us I believe? Henry Margusity predicted this earlier. Wouldn’t this bring the cold air in earlier and get more snow from the second low? Just asking.
  13. I saw this too. Maybe we have a weenie writing the AFD and they meant instead of "it appears" they meant "we are hoping" ????
  14. Let's get some good news out there at least. 18Z NAM looking better for Thursday night.
  15. Yes I am thinking similar. The storm is 4 days out and you wonder if it is totally locked in because there should be some movement. A little South and we get into the Pinks and get in on our fair share of snow. I just don't see it coming back. I wish it would but if anything a northwest jog would take the pink areas north of I-80. And historically how many times is I-80 the battle zone? It seems like when our area gets in on the big snows the greater area is south and east of us. Very rarely do we get in the southern edge of a big storm. It would be a nice change but I am pessimistic.
  16. You just read my mind. Maybe 2 inches overnight Thursday into Friday morning.
  17. I agree but Canadian has about a 12 hour period of rain as well. There is still 4 days to go but our normal mix rain to rain back to 1-2 inches of fluffy backside snow and cold is on the menu ready to be served as our annual Winter special.
  18. It's going to be a long week. Thinking about bringing out the detour sign to push this thing south.
  19. Where have we seen this before? Usually about 4 or 5 times a winter. I hate to joke and I know this is still 5 days out but this still gives us a solid 5 or 6 inches with slop in between. 1. If the storm moves north we are even more screwed. 2. If it stays where it is you will see the same old local forecasts of a foot or more north of RT422 and I-80 and 4-6 in central Alleg county with mixing and 2-4 as you go further south. 3. If the Storm moves 50 miles south then we get our monster 8-12 that we have been waiting for. We need 3 but my odds if I were a betting man are 50% #1, 30% #2, and 20% #3. We are sooooooooo overdue on that 8-12 storm so I want and demand #3. Bring it!!!!!!!!!
  20. The WTOD will almost always show up in each and every storm potential. It never fails. We must hope that it stays south orf us.
  21. Sucked in. 6 days to go. We are long overdue. Going to be a long week.
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