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Posts posted by CarlislePaWx

  1. Hi all.  Temp has been very slowly creeping upwards and has now reached 32.0.  It continues to ZR with maybe a few IP mixed in.  Everything has a pretty good coating of ice except sidewalks and pavement.  Apparently I had heavy freezing rain for a fair amount of time as my tipping bucket has recorded 0.82".  But, for the moment it has stopped tipping due to internal ice buildup.  I have my clear-vue gauge out and will get an official measurement later.  I'm anxious to see if there is any kind of changeover to snow a little later.  Will update accordingly.

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  2. A mid-winter-like low of 14.7 degrees early this morning.  Normal low for today is 31 and the normal high is 51.  At noon I've warmed back up to 38 on my way to 44.

    This morning really was pretty unusual for how low we went so early.  I can remember plenty of years where the first sub-20 low didn't occur until well into December.  I'm not upset by the appearance of a period of moderation later this week into next week.  I still want to enjoy fall for a few more weeks before winter makes its appearance.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Itstrainingtime said:

    I'm interested in how much QPF fell in areas that had snow, or mainly snow. Seems like the higher end amounts were in the 6" or so range, not sure what ratios they had but I had nearly 1.1" of total rainfall. 

    My total QPF for the event was 0.64".  Approximately 1" of snow accumulated although it definitely was a little more on the grass...closer to 1.5".  The rest was a combination of sleet and rain.  My temp dropped to 32.4 during the heavy snow and remained at 32.5 for the rest of the event.  It only began to rise a little after the precip stopped.

    • Thanks 1
  4. After more than one glorious hour of heavy snow with a temp of 32.4 degrees I have recorded an average of 1.0" of wet snow.  It was coming down pretty good until 15 minutes ago when it appeared to suddenly stop.  I think it might changed to a very light rain.  I'm not hearing any pinging, so no sleet.  Based on what is being reported to my southwest by @Cashtown_Coopand @Bubbler86, it might be changing to rain for good.  It would be great if the rain isn't enough to wash the snow away and there is some white to wake up to tomorrow morning.  That one hour of heavy snow was really enjoyable, and of course a surprise as well.  Temp now back up to 32.5.

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  5. Wow!  Over the last 15 minutes the snow has increased to moderate to almost heavy with bigger flakes.  Everything is turning white including the sidewalks/street.  Since it's wet all the trees are also turning white.  Temp pushed down even lower to 32.7.  Might just make it officially to 32.0.

  6. About 20 minutes ago the precip switched over to all snow.  Since that time mulch is more than 75% white with some white appearing on the grass.  It's between light and moderate, so we'll see where we go from here.  The heavier precip has dropped the temperature and it is now down to 33.1 which is plenty cold for accumulations everywhere at night.  Happy to hear that areas that didn't think they would see a flake have indeed been treated to white rain.  Enjoy the next few hours at least.  I'm hoping the NWS changeover to rain forecast to take place before 10:00pm is delayed and pure rain is minimized.  It could happen.

  7. I've had the variety of light precip types since it began around 2:00.  Other than a very short burst of flakes near the beginning, a period of steady snow arrived around 4:00.  Lasted less than 10 minutes but while falling immediately started turning my mulch white.  Temp continues to slowly fall from 37 back at 2:00 to the present 34.3.  Even if it stays between 33 and 34 that's cold enough at night for accumulations on the streets.

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  8. Temp now up to 32.9 after an overnight low of 22.6 degrees, which was the coldest low of the season thus far.  Currently, at 9:15 skies are overcast with the sun dimly visible.

    I know I'm not going to get the snowfall that the models have been advertising around here, but all the models posted here have the 5" mark over me with some freezing rain just to my west.  Maybe this first one overperforms?

  9. Man, all 3 model runs from 18z gave Cumberland county 5".  Maybe hoping for 2" might work out.  If it covers the grass it's a good storm.

    I'm down to 24.8 and still slowly dropping under crystal-clear skies.  This is my lowest temp for the season thus far.  The whole night below freezing will help pavement accumulations, but probably not anything that falls before 4:00pm.

  10. It's been totally overcast here all day so far.  That has kept the temp to just 41 degrees as of 3:00pm.  Low this morning was 35.2 so a pretty small diurnal for the day (roughly six degrees).  I'm just starting to see a few blue breaks appearing, so perhaps the high will climb a little further.  

    Those weekend temps sure look cold.  Highs in the mid 30's with lows around 20.  That's just about the normal high and low for mid-January, the coldest average temps of the year.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Itstrainingtime said:

    Well timed after the Euro run? 

    Pretty amazing to go to this from the total nothing in this morning's forecast.  I'm not going to complain.  It would be great to start off the season with 1-2"...but I'll take whatever mother nature decides to dish out.

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